Staff Report #1
September 30, 2020
To All Commissioners
Re: Contract Award – Roof Repair at Highbury Facility
That the Commission:
- ACCEPT the bid submission from Thomas Roofing London Ltd for the full roof replacement over the administrative offices at 450 Highbury at a cost of $292,302 exclusive of applicable taxes and;
- DIRECT the administration finalize the appropriate contract with Thomas Roofing London Ltd.
The repair and/or replacement of the roof over the administrative offices of the 450 Highbury Avenue facility has been identified on the facility maintenance capital project as a potential requirement for the past few years. While the work has not been required to date, the nature and extent of leaking that has occurred over the past several months has reached the point that requires remediation.
Given the longer-term plan to replace the Highbury facility, significant projects of this nature are critically assessed in order to ensure they are required, as well as to identify any short-term fixes that may be applied in effort to limit the expenditures relating to facility maintenance until such time as the facility is replaced. A request for quotations was issued to three bidders for the full replacement of the roof; however, each was also asked during site visits whether there were any interim steps that could be taken to mitigate the ongoing leaks, without undertaking a full replacement. It was the concurrence of all bidders that the roof, which covers the administrative offices, has reached its useful life, and the only option is a full replacement.
Three quotes for the full roof replacement over the administration offices at 450 Highbury were received, the details of which are set out in the table below, noting the pricing provided is exclusive of applicable taxes.
Bidder | Quote |
Thomas Roofing London Ltd | $292,302 |
H & N Roofing and Sheet Metal Ltd | $336,429 |
LaFleche Roofing Limited | $326,000 |
As set out in the report recommendation, the low bid is being recommended. The project can be accommodated within the 2020 Facility Maintenance capital project. Thomas Roofing London Ltd has indicated their ability to commence work in mid-October. It is estimated that the work will take approximately 12 weeks to complete.
Recommended by:
Craig Morneau, Director of Fleet & Facilities
Mike Gregor, Director of Finance
Concurred in by:
Kelly S. Paleczny, General Manager