Staff Report #12 Re: 2019 Work Program – Corporate Communications – Second Quarter Update

Staff Report #12

August 28, 2019

To All Commissioners

Re: 2019 Work Program – Corporate Communications – Second Quarter Update


That the report be NOTED and FILED.


The following report is provided as an update on major projects as set out in the 2019 Work Program that were scheduled to commence and/or be completed in the second quarter, with the lead on same being the primary responsibility of Corporate Communications.

Travel Safe Program

London Transit participates as a member of the Safe Cities Working Group, and as such, has had the opportunity to review feedback from the public with respect to the places and situations in the City of London where they have been and did not feel safe. Through the analysis, it was identified that many post-secondary students in London were unaware of LTC’s Travel Safe program and the various safety components included in the program. As such, in an effort to raise awareness to this demographic, London Transit has partnered with both Western University and Fanshawe College to provide postcards outlining the Travel Safe program, which will be included in all student orientation information packages for fall 2019 registration. Additionally, London Transit will have representatives at each of the institutions campuses during early September to answer questions about the transit service as well as any questions regarding the Travel Safe program.

2019 Service Changes Media Event

In addition to the regular modes of communication utilized to share the fall service changes (i.e. onboard posters, social media, website, stop-level announcements, etc.), given the number of modifications being introduced on September 1, 2019 a media event was held at the Wonderland Road facility on August 21, 2019. Further to the event, a number of media outlets ran stories regarding the upcoming changes providing a wider reach.

Promoting London Transit

In an effort to market the benefits of London Transit, a new bus shelter poster campaign will be launched this fall. The campaign will highlight five benefits associated with the use of public transit, with an emphasis on making the message personal (see Enclosure I). Each of the five campaign themes, including a brief description of the background supporting the theme are set out below:

Environment – Fighting Climate Change – Your Planet, Your Transit

It has consistently been proven that transit ridership has positive effects on the reduction of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants. Transit also helps reduce the amount of land needed for road space and parking, thus helping preserve the natural landscape. Investment in transit mobility can lead to reduced health care costs and an overall healthier community.

Convenience – Enjoying Your City – Your Time, Your Transit

Since 2015 approximately 90,000 service hours have been added to the conventional transit system. 2019 represents the fifth and final year of the current five year service plan, which focused heavily on addressing issues such as overcrowding and schedule adherence as well as right-sizing the system. Additionally, having real-time information available through LTC’s Infoweb system and Google Maps makes it easier for riders to obtain the arrival of their next bus recognizing schedules are merely guidelines as traffic and construction consistently affect LTC’s schedule adherence. An added benefit of utilizing Google Maps is the ability for riders to plan their route.

Safety – A Great Night Out With Friends – Your Way Home, Your Transit

The availability of public transit services provides the community with a safe, convenient and affordable way to get home after a fun night out.

Independence – Maintaining Your Independence – Your Community, Your Transit

The availability of a reliable public transit service provides access to the community for all residents, including those who rely solely on transit as their mode of transportation, but also those who choose to take transit.

Economical – Getting to Work Without Car Payments – Your Journey, Your Transit

With the cost of a monthly bus pass substantially cheaper than the cost of a car loan and insurance, transit is the most viable economic option for Londoners.

A social media campaign (#YourTransit) is also planned at the time of the shelter poster launch which will include the graphics and messaging as per above. Information will also be included on the website as well as through internal channels (i.e. information screens, employee newsletter, meeting room posters, etc.) ensuring employees are also reminded of the messaging and the details behind each of the benefits.


I – Benefits of Transit – Marketing Campaign Shelter Poster Samples

Recommended by:

Caroline Roy, Manager of Corporate Communications

Concurred in by:

Kelly S. Paleczny, General Manager