Staff Report #3
January 29, 2020
To All Commissioners
Re: Commission Work Programs – 2019 (Status) and 2020 (Draft)
The Commission APPROVE IN PRINCIPLE the direction of the Draft 2020 Work Program as set out in Enclosure I.
Enclosure II provides a final status of the 2019 Work Program, as indicated in the enclosure, the majority of the programs were completed or are considered in progress/ongoing with the remainder deferred to the development of the 2020 Work Program.
The work program identifies the major activities/programs that require significant resource commitment and/or are considered critical to the development, growth and/or direction of London Transit as a business. The work program defines timelines and resources (both internal and external) for the various initiatives. Set out in Enclosure I is the 2020 Draft Work Program. The final approval and determination of the level of investment that will be provided by the City of London as part of the multi-year budget deliberations will have a significant impact the 2020 work program, and until such time as details are known, they cannot be incorporated/scheduled.
While the final Work Program for a given year is usually approved by the Commission in February, the final recommended 2020 Work Program will not be tabled for Commission consideration until March/April, subject to all budget requests being finalized. The report is calling for the Draft 2020 Work Program to be approved in principle, which will provide administration with general direction to begin/continue work on initiatives scheduled in the first quarter of 2020. Given uncertainties with respect to the 2020 operating and capital budget programs, work will be focussed on program initiatives that are considered mandatory in nature, and those that are new and/or optional will be deferred until budgets are known.
The 2020 Work Program format (see Enclosure I), has been modified to categorize initiatives into each of the five strategic outcomes established in the Commission’s 2019-2022 Business Plan as set out below.
- An Integrated, Affordable and Valued Mobility Choice;
- An Engaged, Diverse and Respectful Workplace;
- Demonstrated Fiscal Accountability;
- Being Open, Understood and Transparent; and
- Effective Utilization of Infrastructure
The categorization of work program initiatives in this manner will provide for a more direct link to the Business Plan. In addition, the balance of projects between the five outcomes will be clearly demonstrated. It should be noted that some initiatives touch on multiple strategic outcomes however all have been categorized based on the outcome that are most directly tied to.
The following provides an overview of a number of projects, either deferred from the 2019 Work Program, or new initiatives which are being considered for inclusion on the 2020 Work Program. As indicated above, a number of key outstanding decisions are required prior to determining which initiatives will be included on the final recommended Work Program for 2020. When determining the final 2020 Work Program, consideration will also need to be given to the following:
- the number of critical initiatives on the work program
- that a number of the initiatives are transformational in nature requiring the assignment of significant resources
- continued staff development and transition given ongoing organizational changes
Each of the project descriptions includes administration’s assessment of the level of LTC resources required to complete the project as well as the priority for the 2020 Work Program. Projects may be rated as a lower priority not because they are considered unimportant, but rather more appropriate for consideration on the 2021 or future Work Programs given resource limitations. Subsequent to Commission discussion and direction on the projects under consideration, the final recommended 2020 Work Program will be tabled with the Commission at its March or April 2020 meeting, pending final budget approvals.
Projects Deferred from 2019 Work Program
The following projects were included on the 2019 Work Program and were not undertaken given competing resource issues or conflicts and scheduling issues with other projects.
Identification of Stops – Visually Impaired
While not a specific regulatory requirement, LTC has, and continues to receive customer contacts with respect to making LTC bus stops more identifiable to customers with vision impairments. Given that LTC bus stop signs are located on their own post, or on other existing infrastructure, it can be difficult for a customer with a visual impairment to know if they are standing at an LTC bus stop. A preliminary review of transit system solutions in place revealed that none had proved particularly effective for various reasons and as such none were recommended for consideration. This project was included on the 2019 Program with an implementation date to be determined given the review of Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) Transportation Standards was underway and it was determined this project be held in abeyance until such time as the recommended changes to the Transportation Standards were finalized, which were to occur in late 2017. The final amendments to the Transportation Standards are now not anticipated to be adopted until sometime in 2020.
Strategic Outcome | LTC Resource Requirements | Priority for 2020 |
Integrated, Affordable Mobility | Minimal – outsourced | High |
Rapid Transit Branding
The branding of London’s future Rapid Transit system has been included on the Commission’s Capital Budget Program as a placeholder for a number of years, dependent upon the ultimate approval of the Rapid Transit Business Case. The scheduling of this initiative will be contingent on decisions made with respect to the level and extent of branding that will be undertaken given the shift in project direction and splitting of the rapid transit program into multiple projects. While LTC administration will take the lead on this initiative, civic administration will participate.
Strategic Outcome | LTC Resource Requirements | Priority for 2020 |
Open, Transparent & Understood | Moderate – outsourced | TBD |
Process Review – Organizational Impacts of Smart Card Implementation
The introduction of stored value in 2019 resulted in impacts to a number of roles in the Treasury department, noting at some point in the future, paper passes and tickets will no longer be utilized. The introduction of the children’s fobs as well as the subsidized Income-Related transit pass and the roll-out of POS machines to other locations will also have impacts, noting a larger percentage of the ridership has moved to the smart card environment. This review will consider the necessary realignment of duties in the department to ensure the appropriate resources are being applied to each of the new tasks associated with the eventual move to a full smart card system.
Strategic Outcome | LTC Resource Requirements | Priority for 2020 |
Fiscal Accountability | Moderate | High |
Implementation of Process Review Recommendations – Standardization Kilometer Tracking & Reporting System
The goal of this process review was to identify any issues associated with the move to rely on the AVL data vs. the traditional Hubo readings for bus mileage tracking, including the impacts on various departments in terms of resource requirements (Hubo readings currently completed manually as part of the fuelling process each night) and the potential impacts on preventative maintenance programs should the two systems provide slightly different numbers.
The review was completed in 2016 with a finding that in order to proceed in a manner that would ensure consistent reporting and align with the preventative maintenance program, a system enhancement would be required for the asset management system utilized in Fleet and Facilities. In addition, an upgrade to the AVLC system was required to streamline the process for downloading the data. Competing resource requirements resulted in this project being deferred to 2020.
Strategic Outcome | LTC Resource Requirements | Priority for 2020 |
Fiscal Accountability | Minimal – subsequent to system upgrade | Medium |
Projects Carried Forward from 2019 Work Program
Specialized Service Review Post Scheduling Software Implementation
This process review entailed the review of the duties associated with the various administrative positions supporting the delivery of specialized transit services given the change in scheduling software. A significant portion of this review was completed in 2019, with the outstanding pieces being the communication and implementation of the review recommendations.
Strategic Outcome | LTC Resource Requirements | Priority for 2020 |
Engaged, Diverse & Respectful Workplace | Moderate | High |
New Projects Under Consideration
The initiatives included in this section represent new projects that are under consideration for inclusion in the 2020 Work Program. Further assessment of available staff resources and possible competing projects will be undertaken subsequent to final budget approvals and prior to finalizing the list of projects to be included, noting some may be deferred for consideration on the 2021 Work Program, or significantly modified given final budget approvals.
Ridership Growth Strategy Initiatives
A number of initiatives in the Ridership Growth Strategy are anticipated to be considered for further assessment and/or implementation in 2020, however will be subject to final operating budget approval.
Strategic Outcome | LTC Resource Requirements | Priority for 2020 |
Integrated, Affordable Mobility | Moderate | High |
2020 Conventional Service Plan
As set out in Staff Report #1, dated January 29, 2020, the 2020 Conventional Service Plan calls for the addition of approximately 18,000 hours of service, all of which will be contingent upon budget approval. Should the Commission’s operating budget not be approved as submitted (base and growth budgets), the 2020 Service Plan will not be implemented as planned.
Strategic Outcome | LTC Resource Requirements | Priority for 2020 |
Integrated, Affordable Mobility | Moderate | High |
Service Expansion to Industrial Areas
As set out in Staff Report #1, dated January 29, 2020, the 2020 Conventional Transit Service Plan calls for the implementation of the first alternative service delivery model (ASD) to be implemented in the Innovation Park Industrial area as well as expanding service hour coverage in the Sovereign Road area as part of the 2020 service plan improvements. These projects are contingent on the Commission’s budget (base and growth) being approved as submitted, should that not be the case, this project will not be implemented as planned.
Strategic Outcome | LTC Resource Requirements | Priority for 2020 |
Integrated, Affordable Mobility | Moderate | High |
2020 Specialized Service Plan
The 2020 Specialized Service Plan calls for the addition of approximately 6,000 hours of service, all of which will be contingent upon budget approval. Should the Commission’s operating budget not be approved as submitted (base and growth budgets), the 2020 Service Plan will not be implemented as planned.
Strategic Outcome | LTC Resource Requirements | Priority for 2020 |
Integrated, Affordable Mobility | Moderate | High |
Assessment of Transit Options for West London
In late 2019, Municipal Council passed a motion directing staff to investigate and report back on possible transit improvements for West London (see Communication #1 dated January 29, 2020). Consistent with the practice followed on the rapid transit assessment, LTC administration will work with civic administration (and external resources where required) on this initiative.
Strategic Outcome | LTC Resource Requirements | Priority for 2020 |
Integrated, Affordable Mobility | Moderate | High |
Assessment of Transit Options for North London
In late 2019, Municipal Council passed a motion directing staff to investigate and report back on possible transit improvements for North London (see Communication #2 dated January 29, 2020). Consistent with the practice followed on the rapid transit assessment, LTC administration will work with civic administration (and external resources where required) on this initiative.
Strategic Outcome | LTC Resource Requirements | Priority for 2020 |
Integrated, Affordable Mobility | Moderate | High |
Inter-Community Transit Service Integration
In the latter part of 2019, administration was contacted by a number of surrounding communities who were in receipt of Provincial funding to begin providing inter-community transit services, all of which are looking to connect their riders with London Transit services. In the majority of cases, these communities undertook surveys in an effort to determine the primary desired destination(s) in London and have then begun to plan their routes accordingly. LTC administration has worked with the various community partners to varying degrees ranging from the provision of advice with respect to possible stops to offering assistance to plan and schedule routes for smaller partners. One of the requirements of the Provincial funding supporting these programs is that they have to be operational by April 1, 2020. Administration will continue to work with these partners leading up to the launch of the services and will remain in contact on a go-forward basis in an effort to ensure success of the programs.
Strategic Outcome | LTC Resource Requirements | Priority for 2020 |
Integrated, Affordable Mobility | Moderate | High |
Assessment of Electric Buses
At the November 27, 2019 meeting, the Commission directed staff to bring back a report with respect to the steps involved in assessing the implications and path forward for beginning the transition to electric buses (see Staff Report #4 dated January 29, 2020). As the Staff Report sets out, the undertaking of this initiative will require significant internal and external resources, neither of which were included in the Commission’s multi-year budget submission. The Commission’s decision with respect to the timing of this initiative has the potential to impact a number of other projects on the draft 2020 Work Program given resource availability.
Strategic Outcome | LTC Resource Requirements | Priority for 2020 |
Effective Utilization of Infrastructure | High | High |
Process Review – Assessment of Options for Cash Fares
The current fare boxes in use on the LTC fleet are reaching the end of their useful life. In light of the plan to eliminate paper tickets once the smart card system is fully implemented, the timing is appropriate to assess alternative on-board options for the collection of cash fares. This assessment will need to be undertaken prior to any further steps with respect to replacing the ageing fare boxes.
Strategic Outcome | LTC Resource Requirements | Priority for 2020 |
Effective Utilization of Infrastructure | Moderate | High |
Other Projects
Should the Commission’s operating and capital budgets for 2020 (and 2021-2023) not be approved as submitted, significant administrative resources will be required to undertake a review of the impacts and provide recommendations to the Commission with respect to the most appropriate path going forward. This undertaking will be considered a priority given its results will set the direction for the next four years, and as such, other projects may need to be deferred, the extent of which will not be known until such time as the budget picture becomes more clear.
II – 2019 Work Program – Final Status
Recommended by:
Mike Gregor, Director of Finance
Shawn Wilson, Director of Operations
Joanne Galloway, Director of Human Resources
Craig Morneau, Director of Fleet & Facilities
Katie Burns, Director of Planning
Concurred in by:
Kelly S. Paleczny, General Manager