Staff Report #4
November 12, 2018
To All Members of the Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee
Re: 2018 AODA Annual Update
The report be NOTED and FILED.
The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) includes requirements for designated public sector organizations with respect to Accessibility Plans, including the following requirements:
- establish, implement, maintain and document a multi-year accessibility plan, which outlines the organization’s strategy to prevent and remove barriers and meet its requirements under this Regulation;
- post the accessibility plan on their website, if any, and provide the plan in an accessible format upon request;
- review and update the accessibility plan at least once every five years;
- prepare an annual status report on the progress of measures taken to implement the strategy referenced in clause (1) (a), including steps taken to comply with this Regulation; and
- post the status report on their website, if any, and provide the report in an accessible format upon request.
The London Transit Accessibility Plan 2012-2025, represents the first plan created in compliance with this regulation. The Plan sets out various initiatives that will be undertaken in order to ensure compliance with the regulations as well as ensuring LTC’s facilities and services are accessible. As indicated in the Commission’s Staff Report #3, dated January 31, 2018, the 2018 Work Program includes the updating of the Accessibility Plan, in compliance with the regulation.
With respect to the requirement for an annual status report, LTC has historically included commentary with respect to annual progress in updates to the actual Accessibility Plan, however, given that many projects span multiple years, beginning in 2017, the process was changed to provide for an annual status report in each of the years that the full Accessibility Plan is not updated. This will not only ensure compliance with the regulation, it will also provide for clearer communication with respect to initiatives and progress made in each calendar year.
The 2018 Annual Status Report is set out in Enclosure I. The report covers both the regular, on-going programs and initiatives LTC undertakes to ensure consideration for accessibility remains at the forefront, as well as specific initiatives identified in the multi-year Accessibility Plan or through issues identified through the course of doing business.
With respect to overall compliance with the AODA regulations, obligated public sector organizations must file a formal compliance report every two years. Administration completed and filed the compliance report for 2017 consistent with requirements, noting LTC is compliant with all requirements.
I – 2018 Annual Accessibility Status Report
Recommended by:
Kelly S. Paleczny, General Manager