To All Commissioners
Re: Industrial Service Strategy Update
That the report be NOTED and FILED.
One of the initiatives included on the Commission’s 2018 Work Program is the update of the Industrial Service Strategy, scheduled to be presented to the Commission in draft at the April 2018 meeting. Administration has worked with the LEDC to obtain data from the various businesses in the industrial areas of the city that are requesting better public transit services to their respective areas. The data gathered provides a good starting point for the review, noting follow-up with businesses is required in order to gain a better understanding of their specific issues, as well as their desire to work in partnership with LTC on possible solutions to better serve the industrial areas of the city.
During discussions at the November 29, 2017 Commission meeting, the option of holding a meeting with all stakeholders was raised as an opportunity to open the dialogue with respect to options for serving industrial areas. Subsequent to this meeting, Administration was approached by WIL Employment Connections with respect to partnering to arrange a meeting that includes all stakeholders (LTC, employers, community stakeholders, employment agencies, private recruiters, Councillors representing the affected areas, etc.). The following details with respect to the meeting have been confirmed.
Date: Tuesday, May 15, 2018 (8:30am to 10:30am)
Host: The London Transit Commission
Partners: Employment Sector Council (ESC) and Members
A location has been tentatively booked, but may need to be changed subject to the number of participants. Invitees will be asked to RSVP in a timeframe that will allow for a change in venue if required.
The meeting will be structured to provide for brief presentations from LTC and the Employment Sector Council which will set the context. The remainder of the meeting will include round table discussions with respect to various options for serving industrial areas with transit. Attendees will be assigned to tables to ensure each table includes representation from each of the stakeholder groups. LTC administration will be assigned to each table to take notes which will be utilized as input to the final Industrial Service Strategy. The various options for service delivery will be presented to the Commission at the April 2018 meeting for review and consideration.
The list of invitees is currently being finalized and invitations will be sent from LTC in the next few weeks. Commission members are encouraged to attend.
Recommended by:
Katie Burns – Director of Planning
Concurred in by:
Kelly S. Paleczny – General Manager