Staff Report #6
April 28, 2021
To All Commissioners
Re: 2021 Commission Work Program Update
The report be NOTED and FILED.
The 2021 Provisional Work Program was approved by the Commission at the January 29, 2020 meeting, noting given the ongoing pandemic, program timelines were subject to adjustment throughout the year depending upon the nature and extent of pandemic-related impacts on the organization broadly, or specifically on a project.
The Work Program format categorizes initiatives into each of the five strategic outcomes established in the Commission’s 2019-2022 Business Plan as set out below.
- An Integrated, Affordable and Valued Mobility Choice
- An Engaged, Diverse and Respectful Workplace
- Demonstrated Fiscal Accountability
- Being Open, Understood and Transparent
- Effective Utilization of Infrastructure
The remainder of the report provides commentary with respect to the items on the 2021 Work Program that were scheduled to be completed by the end of the first quarter. In the event that detailed reports are provided on specific Work Program initiatives in this agenda, the staff report is referenced on the Work Program Summary update set out in Enclosure I. It should be noted that, other than the mandatory financial projects related to year end and year end analysis and reporting, all of which are the subject of previous reports provided to the Commission, there is not a significant number of projects that are scheduled for completion in the first quarter.
2.2 Alternative Service Delivery Implementation. A contract with Dillon Consulting has been awarded to undertake the creation of an Alternative Service Delivery Implementation Plan with an initial focus on the Innovation Park area as included in the 2021 Conventional Service Plan. A stakeholder session was held on April 20, 2021 with employers in the area in an effort to garner a better understanding of the needs of employees working in that area with respect to transit. It is anticipated that a progress report on this initiative will be provided at the May 26, 2021 meeting.
5.2 b) 2021 Health & Safety Work Program Implementation. The item on the Health & Safety Work Program scheduled for the first quarter is the assessment of the causes of workplace injuries/illnesses in the Fleet & Facilities department that were initially deemed “no cause and/or employee action”. The intention of the review was to determine whether the cause was accurately reflected in the circumstances and whether appropriate action was taken to address the issue. Several recommendations resulted from the review and have been presented to the Joint Health & Safety Committee. The key recommendations included the establishment of additional categories that better define the cause of the incident and additional education provided to Fleet & Facilities management on the assessment process and new categories
6.13 a) Review of Customer Contact Management Process. One of the recommendations stemming from the third party review completed by Rubin Thomlinson included a review of the customer contact management process. A Working Group with members of administration and representatives from the ATU held several meetings to review the current process, identify concerns, and identify possible amendments to address those concerns. The Working Group has agreed on a number of amendments and the communications program detailing the amendments is being prepared. It is anticipated the communications program will be rolled out in the second quarter of 2021.
6.14 Establish Criteria for Diane Chenier Trailblazer Award. At the meeting of June 24, 2020, the Commission approved the establishment of a Diane Chenier Trailblazer Award with the intent of the inaugural award be presented at the 2021 awards ceremony. Initial discussions have taken place, but criteria has not been finalized. Given the ongoing pandemic restrictions, the 2021 awards ceremony will not be held in May as originally scheduled. The criteria is expected to be finalized in time for a presentation at the 2021 awards ceremony when it is held.
7.8 MTEC Funding Reporting. The final reporting template for the MTEC funding has been submitted to the Province consistent with reporting guidelines. It is anticipated the reimbursement for the claims submitted will be released in the coming weeks.
9.1 & 9.2 OPTA and CUTA Membership. Membership on the Ontario Public Transit Association and the Canadian Urban Transit Association, both as system members generally as well as participation by administration on the boards of each association has been integral over the years in ensuring that London’s voice continues to be represented in the broader transit discussions. In 2020, these memberships were critical as they provided the opportunity for LTC to participate directly in the establishment of the Provincial and Federal funding programs supporting transit systems as they continued to operate through the pandemic. Administration continues to participate with both associations in 2021.
11.2 Facility Updates. This initiative spans the entire calendar year given the scope. Projects that were completed in the first quarter include:
- One track pit wall replacement at Highbury facility
- Ongoing lighting upgrades/replacement in the maintenance area at Wonderland facility
- Additional landscape work around the 450 Highbury property
- Overhead door replacement C Barn at Highbury facility
- Fuel lane Veeder-Root replacement at Highbury facility
11.3 Shop and Garage Equipment. This initiative spans the entire calendar year given the scope. Projects that were completed in the first quarter include:
- Replacement of all airline fittings for improved ergonomics and safety in both buildings
- Replacement of security cameras around the facility that were no longer functional
- Ongoing replacement of tool and tool boxes for mechanics at both facilities
11.12 Kronos Payroll System Update. The required update to the Kronos Payroll System is underway; however, it has now been deferred given resource issues in the payroll area. It is anticipated this update will recommence in the coming weeks and be completed by the end of the second quarter.
I – 2021 Work Program First Quarter Update
Recommended by:
Mike Gregor, Director of Finance
Shawn Wilson, Director of Operations
Joanne Galloway, Director of Human Resources
Craig Morneau, Director of Fleet & Facilities
Katie Burns, Director of Planning
Concurred in by:
Kelly S. Paleczny, General Manager