Enclosure II – 2018 Specialized Transit Voice of the Customer Survey Questions

2018 Specialized Transit Voice of the Customer Survey Questions

  • Are you the customer using London’s Specialized Transit, or are you the caretaker or family member of the London Transit customer?
    • Customer
    • Caretaker/Family member-please answer the remaining questions on behalf of the customer
  • All things considered, how likely would you be to recommend riding LTC Specialized Transit to a friend or neighbor? Not at all likely 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Very likely
  • What type of trips do you take most often on LTC Specialized Transit? Please select only one:
    • Work
    • School
    • Medical appointments
    • Leisure and recreation
    • Shopping/Groceries
    • Church/Religious activities
    • Other
  • What are the top 2 most important areas of service for you as an LTC Specialized Transit customer?
    • Trip Availability
    • Fare price
    • Booking a trip is easy
    • Travel Time
    • Vehicles arrive on time
    • Vehicle cleanliness
    • Safety on the vehicle
    • Drivers being friendly/helpful
    • Availability of booking agents
    • Resolving my concerns or complaints in a timely fashion
  • How do you take most of your trips?
    • In own/Family vehicle
    • LTC Specialized Transit vehicle
    • London Transit City bus/Connector bus
    • Taxi/Other privately paid transportation
    • Other – Write In: ______

Respondents were asked their level of agreement (ranging from strongly disagree to strongly agree) with each of the following statements:

  • The vehicles usually pick me up within the scheduled 30 minute pickup window
  • I can book a trip for the time I need to travel
  • Booking a trip is easy and convenient
  • The vehicle gets me to my destination in a reasonable amount of time
  • LTC Specialized Transit service is priced fairly
  • When contacting London Transit by phone, my calls are answered promptly
  • London Transit’s booking agents are helpful and courteous
  • I feel safe when boarding the vehicle
  • I feel safe when riding the vehicle
  • The vehicles are clean
  • The vehicles are comfortable
  • Vehicle wheelchair lifts are consistently in working order
  • The drivers are friendly
  • The drivers are helpful
  • The drivers drive safely
  • The drivers safely secure my wheelchair, scooter or other mobility device

Respondents were asked to answer each of the following questions with Yes or No:

  • Do you require a Personal Support Person to travel with you on the LTC Specialized Transit vehicle?
  • Are you aware that the pick-up window for trips you schedule is 0-30 minutes after your scheduled pick-up time?
  • Currently you have to call to book your trip 3 days in advance, are you satisfied with this booking window
    • Would you like the booking window to be:
      • Longer
      • Shorter
  • Are you aware that if you are not at the pickup location to board the vehicle within 5 minutes of your booked time, that you can be marked as a No-Show and the vehicle can depart the location?
  • Have you contacted London Transit’s customer service with a question, concern or complaint in the last three months?
    • Was your issue resolved?
  • Do you have a wheelchair, scooter or other mobility device?
  • Are you aware that LTC Specialized Transit registrants can ride the London Transit conventional service free of charge during off peak hours?
  • Have you ridden on the conventional service in the past year?

Respondents were asked their level of satisfaction (ranging from Very Satisfied to Very Dissatisfied) with each of the following service aspects:

  • How satisfied are you with the overall performance of London Transit’s customer service staff?
  • How satisfied are you with the overall performance of LTC Specialized Transit drivers?
  • How satisfied are you with the overall quality of the LTC Specialized Transit service?