Staff Report #1 – 2024 London Transit Commission Asset Management Plan (AMP)

Staff Report #1

May 29, 2024

To All Commissioners

Re: 2024 London Transit Commission Asset Management Plan (AMP)


That the Commission:

i) APPROVE the 2024 London Transit Commission Asset Management Plan (AMP) as developed collaboratively between the City of London’s Capital Asset Management (CAM) team and LTC administration; and

ii) DIRECT the administration to post the AMP on the Commission’s website.


The current version of Ontario Regulation 588/17 – Asset Management Planning for Municipal Infrastructure (herein referred to as “O. Reg. 588/17”) came into effect March 15, 2021, and requires every municipality (inclusive of municipal agencies, boards, and commissions) to have an asset management plan (AMP) in place by July 1, 2024. The requirements of the regulation are not optional and must be adhered to by London Transit.

O. Reg. 588/17 was created by the province under the Infrastructure for Jobs and Prosperity Act. O. Reg. 588/17, and mandates the following requirements for municipal asset management policies and AMPs:

  • By July 1, 2024, the O. Reg. 588/17 requires an AMP that documents the current level of service (LOS) being provided, the costs to maintain them, and the financing strategy to fund the expenditures necessary to maintain current level of service (LOS) for all infrastructure systems in the City.
  • By July 1, 2025, the O. Reg. 588/17 requires an AMP that documents the current LOS being provided and the costs to maintain them, the proposed LOS and the costs to achieve them, and the financial strategies to fund the expenditures necessary to maintain current LOS and achieve proposed LOS for all infrastructure systems in the City.

The Corporate Asset Management (CAM) department at the City of London has supported London Transit, through a service level agreement, to develop the comprehensive AMP as set out in Enclosure I. This AMP builds upon existing London Transit asset management activities and leverages others that have been developing since the establishment of the City’s CAM department and CAM Program. The 2024 LTC AMP is designed to enhance the management of London Transit infrastructure assets in a way that connects strategic London Transit, City of London, and community objectives to day-to-day and long-term infrastructure investment decisions. The AMP will be reviewed on a yearly basis, with a comprehensive update occurring before each future multi-year budget cycle, it being noted that O. Reg. 588/17 requires a comprehensive update at least every 5-years.

Financial Implications

Due to timing, differences between this AMP and the 2024-2027 multi-year budget, there are no financial implications associated with this report. However, future London Transit AMPs will be inclusive of financial implications for London Transit staff and for the Commission to consider as part of subsequent multi-year budget development.

The attached 2024 LTC AMP has been developed to comply with O. Reg. 588/17 requirements and approval from the London Transit Commission is required, along with the AMP being publicly posted to LTC’s corporate website.


I – 2024 London Transit Commission Asset Management Plan; and

II – Memo re: 2027 Multi Year Budget impact on London Transit Commission 10 year infrastructure Gap

Recommended by:

Mike Gregor, Director of Finance

Craig Morneau, Director of Fleet & Facilities

Patrick Cormier, Manager of Information Systems

Concurred in by:

Kelly S. Paleczny, General Manager