Staff Report #5 – Specialized Service Update

Staff Report #5

February 11, 2025

To All Members of the Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee

Re: Specialized Service Update


The report be NOTED and FILED.


Booking/Scheduling System Update

As indicated in Commission Staff Report #5 dated October 30, 2024, the first phase of the implementation of the new scheduling software for the specialized service, affecting the back-end software was scheduled to go live in January 2025. The following provides an update on progress to date.

During the months of November and December 2024, messages on the booking lines reminded customers of the transition to the new booking system. Given the first phase of the system implementation did not include any customer-facing elements and was not expected to result in any significant changes for customers, no additional information was shared with respect to the impending Phase I implementation.

Unfortunately, due to a number of unanticipated issues with system parameters and notification settings, customers did experience changes that were not expected (unintended trip notification messaging and changes to scheduled trips). These issues were addressed as soon as staff became aware of them; however, given the advanced booking window, it took several days for the issues to be worked out of the schedules. Each of these issues is discussed in greater detail later in this report.

In light of the customer confusion resulting from these issues, a handout is being prepared for distribution on vehicles, explaining what they should expect with respect to these new features, which will include a direct extension for customers to call if they have questions rather than calling the booking line. This information will also be available on the corporate website and shared through socials.

In addition, a comprehensive communication is planned as part of the Phase II launch, as customers will need to create individual accounts to be able to interact with the customer portal. Instructions outlining the steps required will be directly mailed to all registrants, and a dedicated phone line will be utilized to provide customers with assistance in setting up their accounts and providing any other user support that may be required.

New System Setup and Training

Throughout December 2024 and early January 2025, administration worked with the software vendor on converting customer files and establishing system parameters to be utilized by the new booking software consistent with LTC policies. In addition, staff participated in on-site training with the new scheduling system and Voyago drivers participated on training for the new on-board tablets.

In addition to the transfer of customer files and subscription trip files, common pick-up and drop-off locations needed to be set up in the system. This work was completed by administration prior to the scheduled go-live date of the new system.

Subsequent to the on-site training, staff were able to continue to work with the software to become more familiar with the functionality; however, until such time as actual trips had been booked to the new system, and the scheduler had the opportunity to create driver manifests, it was not possible to determine the manner in which the parameters that had been established would impact the trips that had been booked.

LTC staff have displayed unwavering dedication to the successful Phase I implementation, with many working overtime and/or coming in on their day off to work on addressing customer concerns relating to the unanticipated issues that arose.

Booking/Scheduling System Go Live

On Sunday, January 12, 2025, administration began using the new system to book trips for Wednesday January 15, 2025. Notwithstanding the significant time and effort extended to preparing for the system change-over, with a software transition of this nature, issues are expected to arise in the initial days and adjustments need to be made to address them. In light of these expectations, three representatives from the software vendor were onsite in addition to every available staff member in an effort to mitigate any negative customer experiences to the greatest extent possible. Additional staff continue to be scheduled to provide additional coverage for both the dispatch and call taking functions in order to mitigate negative customer experience to the extent possible.

As expected, the booking process for each customer calling in was extended as staff navigated the new system and addressed new issues as they arose. On the first day of booking in the new system, average call time increased from 93 seconds to 192 seconds as call takers became familiar with the new system. Notwithstanding the additional staff that were in place to help mitigate this issue, the average wait time in the queue increased by approximately two minutes. While the booking process and related booking line queues were extended, the service for Wednesday was fully booked, and consensus at the end of the day was that the transition went well.

Over the following two days, in addition to booking trips for subsequent days, the system scheduler was optimizing schedules based on the parameters established during system set up noting Wednesday January 15 would be the first day of operating on schedules created by the new system. On Tuesday evening, the system sent out the first notification messages, reminding customers of the trip they had booked the following day. It was at this time that an issue with the trip parameter settings was identified, which resulted in trips being moved up to one hour outside of their scheduled time, and trips being scheduled that would have customers on board the vehicle for up to two hours. As soon as this issue was discovered, the parameters were adjusted; however, the schedules for Wednesday had already been create and customers had already received notifications with new times.

In addition, while all subscription trips that were in the old system were successfully transferred to the new system, the new software performed its optimization on the trips, which, saw changes to trip times, to the driver and/or to customers who had traditionally travelled together on these trips.

Customers began calling into the booking line late Tuesday evening with questions about the notifications they had received, and were advised that staff were working on adjusting trips. On Wednesday morning, same day notifications went out from the system advising customers twenty minutes in advance of vehicle arrival. Notwithstanding staff attempts to re-adjust trips to be closer to their original booked time, many trips on Wednesday were scheduled differently than originally booked, so the same day notifications also resulted in customer confusion. As a result, the booking lines received 300 additional calls on Wednesday made up of customers trying to clarify their booking as well as those trying to book trips for Saturday. This resulted in the average wait time in the queue to increase to approximately 18 minutes. During these calls, customers were advised of the issues being experienced, and notified that adjustments had been made to the system that would take effect with trips for Saturday, January 18. Notwithstanding the issues that arose relating to the first day of service with the new system, a total of 1,052 rides were delivered, which is slightly higher than the number of rides delivered on prior Wednesdays with the old system. Subsequent to Wednesday, average call times have continued to decline as staff become more familiar with the new system.

The adjustments that have been and continue to be made to the scheduling parameters are addressing the issue of scheduled trips being moved beyond what can be expected based on current policies (vehicle can arrive up to 30 minutes later than the scheduled time). Additional staff continues to be scheduled to the extent possible to address the increased workload associated with implementing the new system.

In light of the issues experienced during the first two weeks of implementation, adjustments have been made to some system features, all of which are discussed in greater detail below.

System Parameters

As indicated earlier in this report, the scheduling aspect of the new software could not be assessed by staff until such time as trips had actually been booked and the scheduler run. When the scheduler is run, it assesses all booked trips against established system parameters, and attempts to optimize schedules to make room for additional trips, while at the same time adhering to parameters. System parameters that the scheduler adheres to include the length of time a customer can be on the vehicle (60 min and the length of time the vehicle can arrive after the scheduled time before being considered late (30 min). An error in the trip parameter settings resulted in these parameters being double counted, resulting in trips being adjusted beyond what would be expected. This issue was rectified on Wednesday January 15, however, given the pre-booked nature of the service, and the large number of imported subscription trips that the scheduler needed to process, it took several days for scheduling issues to be worked out.

A key feature of the new system is the ability for the system to continue looking for a way to accommodate trips that were unable to be confirmed when the booking request was made as the scheduler is run. The new system re-runs the trip batching algorithm multiple times per day, optimizing the schedules and making room for additional trips. In the event the system finds a way to accommodate the trip within system parameters, the trip will be booked and a notification will be sent to the customer. Customers will need to sign up for notifications in order to be aware that a trip has been booked, and as such, all customers who were signed up for notifications in the old system were automatically signed up in the new system, and customers who weren’t previously signed up are being encouraged to do so.

Trip Notifications

The new system can provide trip notifications via telephone, text or email, based on the customer’s preference. When this aspect of the new system was established, a local number was required for phone and text messages to be routed through. The number provided by the telecom displays on some user’s phones as a Goderich number, and is a different number from that utilized by the previous system. This new number resulted in some confusion for customers when they first received notifications. The information will be included in the handout being distributed on-board vehicles so alleviate customer concern about a new number being displayed when they receive a notification.

The new system has several types of trip notifications, each of which is described below:

  • Night Prior – reminder of the trip as it was scheduled with a call taker
  • Day Of – 20 minutes prior to bus arrival – based on real time information
  • Arrival – driver has arrived at the designated pick-up location
  • Trip Booked/Changed – notification that a previously non-accommodate trip has now been booked (noting this option has been turned off until such time as the issues with trip parameters have been fully addressed).

Details with respect to each of these notifications will also be included in the handout.

While there have been negative issues experienced with the Phase I implementation, a number of positives have also been experienced when compared to the two week period preceding the implementation with the old system, including:

  • 10% increase in weekday trips provided
  • 11% increase in Saturday trips provided
  • 31% increase in Sunday trips provided
  • Improved route efficiency resulting from the turn-by-turn instruction on driver tablets
  • Improved trip notifications noting the previous system only provided a same day reminder, the new system also provides night prior and driver arrival resulting in fewer customers forgetting about previously booked trips
  • Improved map for use by dispatchers, making the reassignment of trips more efficient and streamlined
  • Remote access to driver tablets enabling staff to address issues remotely versus attending the vehicle

Of note, the increased trip numbers are the result of the new scheduling function providing more efficient runs, resulting in the ability to provide more trips within the same scheduled hours.

Customer Feedback and Correspondence

Throughout the implementation period, all customer contacts are being recorded and assessed for appropriate next steps. While it is understandable that some customers are angry that trips have been adjusted, requests for call backs from a Manager have been delayed as available Managers have been assigned to working on the system implementation and addressing issues as they arise. The issues identified in these calls are being assessed and addressed as soon as possible.

Customers who call into the booking line are being provided up to date information about their trip; however, booking line staff are making efforts to keep these conversations succinct given the longer wait times being experienced in the queues.

All customers are being advised of the new implementation resulting in issues that are being addressed, and being thanked for their patience while a new and much-improved system is implemented.

Customer contact activity has slowed in week two of the implementation period, and it is anticipated it will slow further with the issuance of the handout on vehicles.

Phase II Implementation

Following the successful launch of the first phase of implementation, the second phase will be launched. This phase consists of the Passenger Portal, which provides for the ability to make booking requests online as well as allows customers to manage their trip bookings.

Given the experience with the Phase I launch, a group of registrants will be utilized to work with the customer portal and provide feedback. This will allow all functionality to be tested, and issues identified prior to launching with all customers. Experiences from this test group will be incorporated into the instruction document that will be provided to all customers on the setup and use of the customer portal.

Regular updates with respect to this project will be provided as work progresses.

Voyago Contract Performance

As has been previously communicated, the contractor (Voyago) has continued to struggle with manpower issues, leading to service hours not being delivered as scheduled. Unfortunately, these issues were heightened through the new system launch period, with some days seeing up to 9 (16% of fleet) vehicles being unavailable for service.

When manpower/vehicle shortages occur, staff need to move all trips that were scheduled on that vehicle to other vehicles, maintaining scheduled booking times to the best of their ability. This task becomes increasingly difficult as the number of unavailable vehicles increases, which results in on-time performance issues as well as the length of time customers spend on a vehicle. While the unfortunate perception of many customers is that the new system continues to create unreasonable schedules, the reality is that the majority of the schedule issues experienced after the initial system parameter were addressed, were attributable to vehicle availability issues and the need to move trips to already fully booked vehicles in an effort to ensure all booked trips were provided.

Administration continues to work with the contractor to address these concerns and is undertaking an assessment of other options that may be considered going forward to ensure that budgeted hours are able to be delivered. An update on this assessment will be provided at the February 26, 2025 meeting.

Recommended by:

Brandon Goldstone, Manager of Service Integration

Shawn Wilson, Director of Operations

Concurred in by:

Kelly S. Paleczny, General Manager