Route 4 (South) Stop Changes – Includes Route 26 Stops

The following stop changes on Route 4 with the exception of Shoto at Jalna SB are effective May 28th, 2018.


Stop Name Stop ID Stop Status
Ernest at Finch SB 661 Removed
Jalna at Bradley Ave NS E Leg SB 1045 Removed
Jalna at Ernest Ave E WB 1054 Removed
Nixon at Wimblest Ave NB 1237 Relocated
Nixon at Creston Ave NB 1233 Removed
Jalna at Alyne Cr (N Leg) SB 1037 Removed
Sholto at Jalna Blvd SB 1661 Relocated (Effective June 7, 2018)
Ernest at Lacey Cres N Leg NB 664 Removed
Jalna at Archer Cres (SW Leg) SB 1038 Removed
Jalna at Beechmount Cr (S Leg) NB 1042 Removed
Ernest at Jalna North NB 662 Relocated