Staff Report #3 – Infrastructure Project Update

Staff Report #3

March 10, 2020

To All Members of the Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee

Re: Infrastructure Project Update


That the report be NOTED and FILED.


Public Infrastructure Fund – Phase I Project Update

Phase I of the Federal Government’s Public Transit Infrastructure Fund Program was rolled out in 2017, with LTC receiving confirmation of funding for projects on March 31, 2017. The initial program parameters called for all approved programs to be completed by the program deadline of March 31, 2018. Subsequent to the roll-out, a process for approved program modification requests was issued, which included the ability to extend programs to March 31, 2019, with the caveat that those programs being extended could only amount to 40% of the municipality’s total funding allocation. While this extension provided some relief to municipalities, many continued to be faced with extenuating circumstances which made it difficult to complete projects within the March 31, 2018 deadline. In light of these concerns, the Government of Canada has agreed to extend the PTIF Phase I program into a fourth year, allowing municipalities to incur eligible costs up to and including March 31, 2020.

At its August 28, 2019 meeting, the Commission accepted the bid from Luminator Technology Group for the supply of wayside signs (11 8-line signs and 35 2-line signs) in order to proceed with the two remaining programs that are funded with this phase of funding. Project LON-020 calls for the replacement of existing 8-line wayside information signs, and project LON-046 calls for the supply and installation of an additional 35 2-line wayside information signs.

During the week of February 17, 2020 the replacement of 8-line information signs at Western University and Fanshawe College were installed. The remainder of the 8-line signs will be installed as they are received, noting the locations for install include Masonville Mall Terminal, White Oaks Mall, Westmount Mall, Argyle Mall Terminal, University Hospital and Downtown at Queens/Richmond and King/Richmond.

Following the installation of the 8-line signs, the new 2-line signs will be installed in transit shelters throughout the system. Locations for the new two-line signs were selected based on the following criteria:

  • existing shelter in place
  • large transfer locations outside of the main terminals
  • multiple routes serving the location/intersection
  • high passenger boardings

Public Infrastructure Fund – Phase II Project Update

On March 14, 2018, the Government of Canada and the Province of Ontario signed an Integrated Bilateral Agreement (the Agreement) to deliver up to $7.47 billion to Ontario for public transit infrastructure by March 31, 2028. To be eligible, individual projects must meet at least one of the following outcomes as stated in the Agreement:

  • improved capacity of public transit infrastructure
  • improved quality and/or safety of transit systems
  • improved access to a public transit system

At its meeting of March 25, 2019, the Strategic Priorities and Policy of Committee of Council determined the projects that would be submitted to the Provincial and Federal governments for consideration under the Investing in Canada – Public Transit Infrastructure Stream (PTIS). The list of projects approved for funding under this Phase to date include three rapid transit projects (downtown loop, Wellington Road Gateway and East London Link), intelligent traffic signal implementation, expansion buses and bus stop amenity improvements.

The three rapid transit projects are being led by civic administration, through the Major Projects Division of Environmental & Engineering Services, with LTC administration participation. The two projects under direct control of LTC administration are the Expansion Buses and the Bus Stop Amenities projects, each of which is described in greater detail below.

Expansion Buses

This $25.2 million project represents the expansion bus requirements for the period of 2020 through 2028, totaling 31 buses, comprised of an as of yet undetermined mix of 40’ and 60’ buses. The total bus allocation includes the 22 expansion buses included in the Five Year Service Plan Framework (2020 – 2024), which was approved by the Commission at its February 2019 meeting. An additional nine buses are included in the project to cover the period 2025 through 2028.

At its November 27, 2019 meeting, the Commission accepted the bid submission from New Flyer Industries Canada, ULC for the supply of both 40’ and 60’ replacement and expansion buses for the period of 2020 through 2022.

The implementation of the 2020 conventional service plan requires four expansion buses, which will be funded from this program. The buses have not been ordered given uncertainty with respect to the final approval of the 2020 operating budget by Municipal Council. Should the growth component of the budget not be approved as submitted, the expansion buses may not be required, in which case, they will not be ordered. Confirmation of the expansion bus order quantity will be provided to New Flyer as soon as the growth budget is approved in an effort to ensure the buses will be delivered in time to be placed into service for the September service changes.

Bus Stop Amenities

This $1.1 million project calls for the supply and installation of an additional 60 bus shelters throughout the transit network and 150 solar-powered lights at bus stop locations where lighting and/or safety concerns have been identified. This project is scheduled to be implemented over a two-year period covering 2020 and 2021.

With respect to the additional shelters, the 2020 growth operating budget included the estimated costs associated with the maintenance and repair of the shelters noting they are not included in the current shelter contract. Given the requirement for operating funding associated with this piece of the project, no action will be taken with respect to ordering the shelters and scheduling the installation of the required cement pads until such time as the final operating budget, including the growth component, are confirmed.

The additional shelter locations will be determined based on the same criteria utilized for the annual shelter program, which include:

  • passenger boardings
  • average passenger wait time
  • physical site conditions
  • service area

At this time it is anticipated that approximately half of the 60 shelters will be installed in 2020, with the remainder in 2021 however this will be subject to product delivery times.

The addition of 150 solar-powered lights at bus stop locations throughout the city is also planned to be implemented over a two-year period covering 2020 and 2021. Locations for the installation of these lights will be determined based on the feedback from LTC Operators and customers relating to low lighting levels at identified stops as well as a review of the current bus stop database, which will identify areas where surrounding lighting is poor or non-existent.

Recommended by:

Kelly S. Paleczny, General Manager