Meeting #4 


Those present were: Ms. B. Quesnel – Chair

Ms. L. Boateng

Mr. T. Campbell

Ms. A. Rinn

Mr. D. Whatmore

With regret: Mr. M. Dawthorne – Vice Chair

Ms. D. Capton

Ms. E. Harrison

Ms. S. Oster

Ms. V. Pearson

Also present were: Mrs. K. Paleczny – General Manager

Mrs. K. Burns – Director of Planning

Mr. S. Wilson – Director of Operations

Mr. C. Murphy – Supervisor LCTB

Mrs. C. Roy – Secretary

Mrs. B. Newcombe – Voyago

Mr. R. Goscinniski – Interpreter

Meeting to order The Chair called the meeting to order.
Completion and

Acceptance of


The Chair called for acceptance of the agenda, Ms. Rinn moves, seconded by Mr. Whatmore, the acceptance of the agenda. CARRIED.
Disclosures of

Pecuniary Interest

The Chair called for disclosures of interest with respect to the agenda. There were no conflicts of interest declared.
Minutes Mr. Campbell moves, seconded by Ms. Rinn, that the minutes of the meeting held on September 10, 2019 be APPROVED as circulated.


Barriers for Visually Disabled Riders on LTC Buses The Commission received a presentation from Francois Khouri. With regard to the presentation and report, copy attached, Mr. Whatmore moves, seconded by Mr. Campbell, the communication be NOTED and FILED


Letter from C. Roy re 3rd Report of the Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee With regard to the letter from Caroline Roy, Secretary, London Transit Commission dated September 26, 2019, regarding the 3rd Report of the Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee meeting of September 10, 2019, copy attached, Mr. Whatmore moves, seconded by Mr. Campbell, the letter be NOTED and FILED.


Accessibility Plan Update With regard to the Accessibility Plan Update report, copy attached, Mr. Campbell motioned, seconded by Ms. Rinn, the Committee ADD to the recommendations to the Commission for consideration when approving the 2020-2025 Accessibility Plan that administration undertake of an assessment on ride hailing options that would assist customers with visual impairments in utilizing the conventional transit service.


Mr. Whatmore moves, seconded by Ms. Boateng, that the recommendations set out below be RECOMMENDED to the Commission for consideration when approving the 2020 – 2025 Accessibility Plan.

1. Include a section in the updated plan that specifically addresses the removal and prevention of barriers.

2. Create a specific area on the corporate website dealing with accessibility where all information is housed and/or links to other areas of the site are provided. This will provide easier navigation on the site for people seeking information specific to accessibility.

3. Ensure that development of the actions plans relating to increased marketing and enhanced corporate communication include consultation with the Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee.

4. Consider additional methods of communicating information with respect to policies and procedures to the public.

5. Seek additional information from the public with respect to what could be improved with the methods of communication in regard to temporary disruptions.

6. Prioritize the implementation of smart card readers on specialized service prior to the removal of paper tickets from use.

7. Provide the City of London, on an annual basis, a list of transit stops with no connecting sidewalks for inclusion in their accessibility plan.

8. Work with the Ontario Public Transit Association on the communications campaign regarding priority seating and implement the campaign as soon as it is available.

9. Utilize the additional service hours included in the multi-year budget to extend the service day to match the conventional transit service.

10. Undertake an assessment of the impacts and issues associated with a move to a shorter booking window. This assessment would include customer consultation and feedback from the Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee.

11. Undertake an assessment of the issues and impacts associated with the implementation of on-line trip booking.

12. Continue to ensure that all major retrofits are assessed to ensure that the removal of any existing barriers is considered a priority piece of the project.

13. Undertake an assessment of the periods of highest non-accommodated on the specialized service to identify areas that would see the additional service hours best utilized. Consult with Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee on the implementation of additional hours on the specialized service included in annual budgets, noting the conventional transit service planning process includes presentation to the Committee as well as a number of opportunities for feedback to be provided.

14. Consult the Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee with respect to initiatives under consideration as part of the Integrated Services program.


AODA Update – Service Animal Policy With regard to the AODA Update – Service Animal Policy report, copy attached, Mr. Campbell moves, seconded by Ms. Rinn, the revised policy with respect to service animals on public transit services be RECOMMENDED to the Commission for implementation.


Conventional Transit Service – Accessibility Issues Update With regard to the Conventional Transit Service – Accessibility Issues Update report, copy attached, Mr. Campbell moves, seconded by Ms. Boateng, the report be NOTED and FILED.


Draft 2020 Conventional Transit Service Plan With regard to the Draft 2020 Conventional Transit Service Plan report, copy attached, Ms. Rinn moves, seconded by Mr. Whatmore, the report be NOTED & FILED.


Specialized Service Performance Statistics – September 30, 2019 With regard to the Specialized Service Performance Statistics – September 30, 2019 report, copy attached, Ms. Rinn moves, seconded by Mr. Campbell, the Committee FORWARD the report to the Commission for their review and consideration.


2020 Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee Meeting Dates With regard to the 2020 Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee Meeting Dates report, copy attached, Ms. Rinn moves, seconded by Mr. Whatmore, the Committee confirm the dates for 2020 meetings as set out below, noting the meetings are to be held on Tuesday at 450 Highbury Avenue North, with a Starting time of 11:00 a.m.


February 11, 2020

March 10, 2020 – Meeting at the call of the Chair

April 14, 2020

May 12, 2020 – Meeting at the call of the Chair

June 9, 2020

July 14, 2020 – Meeting at the call of the Chair

August 11, 2020 – Meeting at the call of the Chair

September 15, 2020

October 13, 2020 – Meeting at the call of the Chair

November 10, 2020


Date of Next


Tuesday February 11, 2020
Adjournment Mr. Whatmore moves, seconded by Mr. Campbell, the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 12:25 p.m.


B. Quesnel – Chair


C. Roy – Secretary