Staff Report #5 – 2020 Road Construction Update

Staff Report #5

October 28, 2020

To All Commissioners

Re: 2020 Road Construction Update


The report be NOTED and FILED.


LTC administration has been working closely with civic administration as well as the specific contractors on each major construction project to ensure regular communication regarding the status of the projects in an effort to mitigate the impact of construction on service and ridership by allowing buses to operate in work zones where it is deemed safe to do so. LTC administration attends weekly conference calls with civic administration specifically to discuss the impacts of ongoing and upcoming downtown construction projects.

Richmond St

Work on Richmond between York and Dundas commenced on May 4, 2020 and is projected to be completed at the end of November 2020. Routes 4, 6 and 15 were impacted with the start of Phase I between York and King, resulting in detours both northbound and southbound.

Phase II of the construction commenced on July 6, 2020, which resulted in the full closure of King and Richmond. Initially it was anticipated that Phase II of construction would be completed by Labour Day, however due to unforeseen delays the completion date for Phase II was not known at time of writing. In addition to the above noted routes impacted by Phase I, Routes 2, 5, 7, 9, 12, 19 and 20 are impacted in the eastbound direction and Routes 3, 13 and 90 are impacted southbound. The detour routing is utilizing Ridout and York for both southbound and eastbound buses which significantly limits connectivity for transfers in the core. Additionally, all other vehicle traffic is utilizing the same detour routing resulting in increased congestion. To date, the schedule adherence impact has been limited. The Planning department will continue to monitor impacts of the construction and resulting detour and make adjustments to limit schedule adherence impacts as required and resources allow.

Phase III of construction commenced on August 14, 2020. As a result, all of the above noted detours for all northbound, southbound and eastbound routes will remain in effect until the King Street intersection is reopened.

Dundas between English and Ontario

Full road reconstruction has commenced on Dundas between English and Ontario. The detour on Routes 2, 20 and 94 will remain in place until the completion of the project. The original completion date was anticipated to be October 31, 2020; however, this has been extended until December 15, 2020 resulting in continued detours of Routes 2, 20 and 94. As part of the reconstruction, cycle lanes will also be installed along this portion of Dundas, which may have impacts on the current stop locations in this area.

Dundas between Adelaide and Wellington

Cycle Track work commenced August 4, 2020 along Dundas between Adelaide and Wellington. The construction is anticipated to continue through November. During the construction, all shelters within the construction boundaries have been removed. While it was originally anticipated that routes would be able to continue to operate along Dundas during the construction, due to Dundas being reduced to a single lane in each direction stopping in the construction zone was determined not to be feasible. In order to continue to provide transit service as close as possible to this area, Routes 2, 20 and 94 have been detoured along Queens and King westbound and eastbound respectively. To avoid confusion amongst passengers with changing detours based on the construction phases, all routes will remain on detour between Adelaide and Wellington for the duration of the project.

Wonderland Road

Work on Wonderland Road between Wharncliffe and Bradley commenced on May 4, 2020. The work not only affects Route 12, but also has operating impacts for the Wonderland facility.

On September 4, construction commenced on the east side of Wonderland Road. This has resulted in the closure of northbound stops on Wonderland Road between the Wonderland facility and Bradley Ave. Ridership at these stops is relatively low resulting in limited impacts to passengers. Construction is anticipated to be completed by the middle of December.

Wilton Grove Road

At time of writing, it is anticipated that the full road closure of Wilton Grove east of Highbury will commence on October 26, 2020. As a result, Route 30 will not be able to provide service further east than Hubrey Road, resulting in a 2 km walk distance to access the Commerce, Max Brose and Cheese Factory Road industrial area. It is currently anticipated that the closure will extend until mid to late December.

Communication was provided to all business in the affected area to advise employees of the detour and to plan alternative transportation as required. Additionally, information was posted on all bus stops along Route 30 as well as on social media and the London Transit website.

Sunningdale Road

Construction on Sunningdale Road between Richmond and Adelaide commenced on September 14, 2020 and is anticipated to last approximately eight weeks. The construction requires a full road closure resulting in Route 19 being detoured in this area. As a result of limited alternative roads in this area that are conducive for transit operations, service along Hastings, Chambers, Bluebell and Sunningdale between Bluebell and Adelaide has been removed for the duration of the construction project. The detour route now has Route 19 operating along Phillbrook to Adelaide and resuming regular route on Thistlewood Drive. This has resulted in passengers along the affected portion of the route being outside of the 400 meter walk distance to a transit stop.


The underlying goals with respect to communications regarding detours are to provide passengers and Operators with as much information as far in advance as possible, noting that dates and impacts can change without notice. Accomplishing both of these goals requires a balanced approach.

A communication strategy has been developed and implemented with respect to service interruptions in an effort to ensure passengers and bus Operators are aware of the detours with as much advance notice as possible, including stop level notifications of upcoming closures, website and real-time/Infoweb alerts, social media and internal information boards.

Recommended by:

Shawn Wilson, Director of Operations

Katie Burns, Director of Planning

Concurred in by:

Kelly S. Paleczny, General Manager