
Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee (APTSAC)

The Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee meetings will be held virtually with a starting time of 11:00 a.m, unless otherwise stated.

  • February 11, 2025
  • March 11, 2025 – Cancelled
  • April 15, 2025
  • May 13, 2025 – at the call of the Chair
  • June 10, 2025
  • July 15, 2025 – at the call of the Chair
  • August 12, 2025 – at the call of the Chair
  • September 16, 2025
  • October 14, 2025 – at the call of the Chair
  • November 11, 2025

Meetings are subject to change without notice. This page will be updated accordingly.

Contact for Information and/or Consideration for Delegation Status:
Caroline Roy
Committee Secretary
450 Highbury Avenue North
519-451-1340 ext. 335

Complete an Application form to be considered for the Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee.


The Accessible Public Transit Services Advisory Committee shall advise and assist the London Transit Commission in promoting and supporting the development and delivery of accessible public transit services in London for individuals of all disabilities.

This objective shall be discharged through the review of policies, programs and plans related to the development and delivery of accessible public transit services. Accessible public transit services include accessible conventional and specialized transit services.


The Accessible Public Transit Services Advisory Committee (APTSAC) shall serve at the pleasure of the Commission and shall be responsible and reporting to the Commission for the following:

  • Participating, through review and providing input, in the annual development of the London Transit’s Accessibility Plan in general and specifically to those policies, programs and plans that relate directly to the development and delivery of accessible public transit services.
  • Advising the London Transit Commission on issues and concerns (barriers) faced by persons with disabilities associated with the delivery of public transit services and the means by which London Transit Commission may work towards the elimination of such barriers.
  • Supporting the London Transit Commission Administration in developing and delivering of information and education programs and supporting the development and delivery of accessible public transit services. Such programs apply both internally and externally to the London Transit Commission.
  • Reviewing from time to time, in cooperation with the Administration, service performance of the various service delivery options comprising specialized transit services.
  • Reviewing and recommending, as may be required, on changes to existing and/or new service policies and programs relating to the various service delivery options comprising specialized transit services.
  • Dealing with other matters referred to APTSAC by the Commission from time to time.


Voting Members

A maximum of nine (9) members representing the different types of disabilities as referenced in the Ontarians with Disability Act 2001. This includes persons with visual, speech, hearing, deaf, brain injury, cognitive, perceptual, mental health disabilities and those requiring the use of wheelchairs and/or other mobility assisted devices.

One (1) member of the London Transit Commission who is also an elected member of Municipal Council.

Non Voting Members

A maximum of four (4) members consisting of agencies supporting the disabled community and service providers.

Staff Support Group

Staff support as may be required from time to time from the various areas of the Commission’s conventional and specialized services. The principal administrator working with the committee will be the General Manager. Secretarial responsibilities will be provided by the General Manager’s office.

Term of Appointment

The term of office for APTSAC members will coincide with the term of office of the Commission making the appointment.
The Commission when selecting members to serve on APTSAC will consider, among other things, the issue of committee continuity and appropriate representation of the various disabilities.

The APTSAC members serve at the pleasure of the Commission and the Commission may, at its discretion, rescind the appointment of an advisory committee member prior to the expiration of the assigned term.

APTSAC members are eligible for re-appointment, noting such re-appointment is subject to approval of the Commission.


Each voting member of APTSAC is an independent representative to APTSAC and is to consider the needs of all disabilities not just the concerns of a single disability or group.

The members of APTSAC shall work together for the purpose of developing a common approach, which is reasonable and practical in the circumstance.

Members shall be chosen for their special expertise, experience, dedication and commitment to the mandate of the Committee in promoting and supporting the development and delivery of accessible public transit services in London for citizens of all disabilities.

Non voting members shall be members or employees of the organization they represent.

Appointment Process

Vacancies for the positions on APTSAC will be publicly advertised with such advertisements being tailored to the specific needs of APTSAC.

Application forms shall be available from the Commission Secretary and in alternative formats upon request.

The Commission will review all applications, noting such review may include a personal interview.

Attendance at Meetings

APTSAC voting members may be required to tender their resignation from the committee if they are absent from three consecutive regular advisory committee meetings without prior confirmation by the Commission or unless they are absent for confirmed health reasons.

The Committee Secretary will advise the Commission of voting members who have been absent for three consecutive meetings. The affected member shall have the opportunity to provide a written explanation to the Commission for the absences. The Commission will consider the explanation prior to rendering its final decision on the continued appointment.

All absences will be recorded in the minutes and reports of APTSAC.


APTSAC members shall serve without remuneration, save and except bus tickets or parking passes for attendance at meetings.

Election of Chair and Vice Chair

APTSAC voting members will elect from their voting members, on an annual basis, a Chair and Vice Chair in a manner consistent with that employed by the Commission.

Quorum at Meetings

A quorum for a meeting shall be a simple majority of the voting positions filled at the time of the meeting. In light of the above, in the event of a tie vote, the motion is defeated.

Meetings – Date, Time and Place

On average, there will be 6 to 8 APTSAC meetings per year, with the average meeting lasting approximately 60 minutes to 90 minutes. The meetings when scheduled will be held at least 14 calendar days before a scheduled Commission meeting. Scheduled Commission meetings are currently held the last Wednesday of each month.

The meetings will be held at the London Transit Commission boardroom located at 450 Highbury Avenue, North.

The date and time of subsequent meetings will set at the end of each meeting.

Meeting Agendas

Standard agenda items will be set, for the most part, by the Director of Finance and Administration in consultation with the Chair. Individual APTSAC members can table reports as communications which will be included on the APTSAC agenda from time to time. The agendas and related reports, etc. will be distributed at least two business days in advance of the meeting.