Communication #1 – 2nd APTSAC Report

Communication #1

June 29, 2022

2nd Report Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee

Tuesday June 22, 2022

Virtual Meeting during the COVID-19 Emergency

Those present were:

B. Quesnel – Chair

A. Rinn – Vice Chair

L. Boateng

T. Campbell

D. Whatmore

S. Oster

Also present were:

K. Paleczny – General Manager

B. Goldstone – Manager of Service Integration

C. Roy – Secretary

C. Webb – Voyago

R. Donegan – Interpreter

Absent with regret were:

D. Capton

E. Harrison

V. Pearson

At the June 21, 2022 meeting, the Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee NOTED and FILED the following:

  • Letter from C. Roy re 1st Report of the Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee;
  • Accessibility Plan Initiatives report;
  • COVID Ridership and Service Impacts report; and
  • Construction Update report.

Caroline Roy

Secretary, Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee