Monday, March 12, 2018
Those present were:
Mr. G. Doerr – Chair
Ms. B. Quesnel (via telephone)
Mr. T. Campbell
Ms. N. Judges
Ms. E. Harrison (via telephone)
Also present were: Mrs. K. Paleczny – General Manager
Mr. S. Wilson – Director of Operations
Mr. C. Murphy – Supervisor LCTB
Mrs. C. Roy – Secretary
Ms. B. Newcombe – Voyageur Transportation Services Absent: Ms. L. Boateng
Ms. B. Farrell
Mr. D. Whatmore
At the March 12, 2018 meeting, the Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee:
- With regard to the email from N. Judges, Committee Member, dated December 12, 2017 regarding Video-Surveillance Cameras on Paratransit Buses, copy attached, requested administration INCLUDE in the vehicle specifications of future request for proposals, the provision of on-board video-surveillance; and
NOTED and FILED the following:
- Letter from C. Roy re 2nd Report of the Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee;
- Email from L. Nickerson re the tendering of her resignation from the Committee
- 2018 Service Plan – Conventional Transit;
- IT Update;
- New Years’ Service; and
- AODA Annual Report.
I – Email from N. Judges, Committee Member, dated December 12, 2017 regarding Video-Surveillance Cameras on Paratransit Buses
Caroline Roy – Secretary, Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee
Enclosure I
Next Paratransit meeting; Agenda topic
Sent:Tuesday, December 12,-2017 2:38PM
To: Roy, caroline
Good afternoon Caroline,
I would like to put forth a topic for the Agenda for the next Paratransit meeting scheduled for Feb, 2018. I would like to have the topic of video-survellance cameras on the Paratransit buses.
I had an incident a few months ago with a driver that put me in an unsafe environment on that bus.The matter was dealt with with a few different agencies involved.
The reason I would like to see them on those buses so that situations like mine can be monitored by the cameras.
It would also benefit the passengers that cannot advocate for themselves; provide safety for both the passengers and drivers in case of an accident, to provide safety for the drivers if an incident happens with a passenger.
As I understand, the conventional transit system has it too, so it should apply to Paratransit buses as well.
Yours truly,
Natalie Judges – Paratransit Advisory Committe Member