London Transit Commission Meeting Protocols – Effective November 1, 2024
Administrative Procedure
1.0 Definitions
Advisory committee – defined
“advisory committee” shall mean a committee appointed by the Commission to provide recommendations, advice and information to the Commission.
Amend – defined
“amend” shall mean to alter or vary the terms of a main motion without materially changing its purpose, and amendment shall have a corresponding meaning.
Chair – defined
“Chair” shall mean the person presiding at a Commission meeting.
Closed session – defined
“closed session” shall mean a closed session of the Commission not open to the public, held in accordance with section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001.
Commission – defined
“Commission” shall mean the collective group of members appointed to the London Transit Commission by Municipal Council.
Corporation – defined
“Corporation” shall mean the London Transit Commission as defined in the City of London Act.
Defer – defined
“defer” shall mean to delay consideration of a matter by the Commission.
Deferred Matter – defined
“deferred matter’ shall mean any matter for which the Commission has directed future debate or consideration by the Commission.
Emergent motion – defined
“emergent motion” shall mean a motion which must be made on an emergent basis at a Commission meeting, rather than being directed through the appropriate meeting agenda setting procedures, as any delay in bringing the motion before the Commission would result in irreparable harm or loss to the London Transit Commission.
Meeting – defined
“meeting” means any regular, special or other meeting of the Commission:
(a) a quorum of members is present; and
(b) members discuss or otherwise deal with any matter in a way that materially advances the business or decision-making of the Commission.”
Member – defined
“member” shall mean a member of the Commission.
Motion – defined
“motion” shall mean a proposal by a member for the consideration of the Commission that is moved by a member and seconded by another member.
Notice of Motion – defined
“notice of motion” shall mean a notice of motion provided to the Secretary, in writing, by a member, requesting the inclusion of a motion on a future Agenda of a meeting of the Commission in accordance with sections 11.1 and 11.2 of this procedure.
Point of Order – defined
“point of order” shall mean a question by a member with respect to any rules or practices.
Point of Privilege – defined
“point of privilege” shall mean a question affecting the rights or privileges of the Commission collectively or the position and conduct of Members as appointed representatives where the Chair is asked to immediately consider and take action to remedy a situation negatively affecting the rights or privileges of Commission Members or of the Commission as a whole, despite other pending business currently before the Commission.
Published – defined
“published” shall mean the provision of documents in print and/or electronic formats.
Recorded Vote – defined
“recorded vote” shall mean the recording of the name and vote of every member on a motion during a meeting, by either electronic or manual means.
Secretary – defined
“Secretary” shall mean the Commission Secretary or their designate.
Year – defined
“year” shall mean the Commission year commencing December 1st and ending November 30th of the calendar year thereafter.
2.0 General
2.1 Rules – regulations – observed – at all times
The rules and regulations contained in this procedure shall be observed in all proceedings of the Commission.
2.2 Parliamentary procedure – proceedings
Those proceedings of the Commission not specifically governed by the provisions of this procedure shall be regulated in accordance with the Robert’s Rule or Order.
2.3 Absence – Chair – authority
In the absence of the Chair, or if they refuse to act or if the office is vacant, the Vice Chair shall carry out their duties and/or act in place of the head of the Commission
2.4 Meeting Location
All meetings of the Commission shall be held at the London Transit Commission, 450 Highbury Avenue North, London, Ontario unless there are concerns with respect to health and safety and/or an emergency has been declared in accordance with the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, 1990, for which there is consent by at least two-thirds of the whole Commission to hold a meeting at another location within the boundaries of the City of London, subject to the provision of public notice of the change in venue, and subject to the availability of a venue which is accessible to the public and satisfactory to the Secretary.
3.0 Schedule of Meetings
3.1 Annual Schedule of Meetings – prepared by Secretary
The Secretary shall, by November 30th of each calendar year, submit a schedule of the upcoming meetings for the following Commission year, which shall include one meeting each month with the exception of July and December, which will be at the call of the Chair, for consideration and adoption by the Commission.
3.2 Annual Schedule of Meetings – qualifications
When setting the annual schedule of meetings:
(a) Following a regular municipal election and appointment of Commission members by municipal council, the inaugural meeting shall be held at a date and time chosen by the Secretary based on availability of members;
(b) Unless otherwise decided by the Commission, regular meetings shall be held:
(i) Once monthly wherever possible, on the last Wednesday, commencing at 5:00 PM; and,
(ii) in accordance with the approved annual calendar noted in section 3.1, above.
(c) Provision may be made for meetings to consider and adopt the annual Operating and Capital Budgets.
3.3 Special meeting – emergency – called by Chair
The Chair may, at any time, call a special or emergency meeting.
3.4 Special meeting – called by Secretary – petition – submitted
Upon receipt of a petition signed by a majority of the members, the Secretary shall call a special meeting for the purpose and at the time mentioned in the petition.
4.0 Notice of Meetings
4.1 Agenda – deemed notice – exception
The Agenda shall be considered as adequate notice of regular meetings, except for meetings held on a day or at a time other than as provided for by this procedure.
4.2 Agenda – delivered – 3 Business Days in Advance
The Agenda for regular meetings shall be delivered by courier or sent by mail to the residence or place of business of each member or sent electronically to each member, so as to be received not later than the Friday prior to the meeting scheduled for the following Wednesday.
4.3 Agenda – Special meetings – notice – delivered – 24 hours prior
Notice of special meetings called in accordance with sections 3.3 and 3.4 of this procedure shall be delivered by courier or sent by mail to the residence or place of business of each member or sent electronically to each member, so as to be received not later than 24 hours before the hour appointed for the special meeting.
4.4 Special meetings – business specified – transacted
No business except the business dealing directly with the purpose mentioned in the notice shall be transacted at any special meeting.
4.5 Emergency – notice not required
Notwithstanding any other provision of this procedure, an emergency meeting may be held, without written notice, to deal with an emergency situation, provided that an attempt has been made by the Secretary to notify the members about the meeting as soon as possible and in the most expedient manner available.
4.6 Emergency – business specified – transacted
No business except business dealing directly with the emergency situation shall be transacted at the emergency meeting.
4.7 Agenda – notice – not received – validity
Lack of receipt of a notice or of the Agenda by the members or the public shall not affect the validity of the meeting or any action taken thereat.
5.0 Meetings
5.1 Meetings – open to public
Except as otherwise provided by Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended, all meetings shall be open to the public.
5.2 Meetings – when closed
A Commission meeting or part of a meeting may be closed to the public if the subject matter being considered is:
(a) the security of the property of the municipality or local board;
(b) personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees;
(c) a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board;
(d) labour relations or employee negotiations;
(e) litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board;
(f) advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose;
(g) a matter in respect of which a council, board, committee or other body may hold a meeting under another Act.
(h) information explicitly supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board by Canada, a province or territory or a Crown agency of any of them;
(i) a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial, financial or labour relations information, supplied in confidence to the municipality or local board, which, if disclosed, could reasonably be expected to prejudice significantly the competitive position or interfere significantly with the contractual or other negotiations of a person, group of persons, or organization;
(j) a trade secret or scientific, technical, commercial or financial information that belongs to the municipality or local board and has monetary value or potential monetary value; or
(k) a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on or by or on behalf of the municipality or local board.
5.3 Meetings – when closed – education or training
A Commission meeting may be closed to the public if the following conditions are both satisfied:
(a) the meeting is held for the purpose of educating or training the members; and
(b) at the meeting, no member discusses or otherwise deals with any matter in a way that materially advances the business or decision-making of the Commission.
5.4 Meetings – required to be closed
A Commission meeting shall be closed to the public if the subject matter relates to the consideration of a request under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act if the commission or other body is the head of an institution for the purposes of that Act.
5.5. Meetings – resolution required
Before holding a meeting or part of a meeting that is to be closed to the public, the Commission shall state by resolution:
(a) the fact of the holding of a closed meeting;
(b) the general nature of the matter to be considered at the closed meeting; and,
(c) in the case of a meeting under section 5.3 of this procedure, the fact of the holding of the closed meeting, the general nature of its subject-matter and that it is to be closed under that section of the procedure.
5.6 Meetings – not closed during vote
Except as provided in sections 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 of this procedure, a Commission meeting shall not be closed to the public during the taking of a vote.
5.7 Meetings – not closed during vote – exception
A Commission meeting may be closed to the public during a vote if:
(a) sections 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 permit or require the meeting to be closed to the public; and
(b) the vote is for a procedural matter or for giving direction or instruction to officers, employees or agents of the municipality, local board or committee of either of them or persons retained by or under a contract with the municipality or local board.
5.8 Quorum – majority – required
A quorum shall be a majority of the members constituting the Commission.
5.9 Call to order – quorum present
As soon after the hour fixed for a Commission meeting and a quorum is present, the meeting shall be called to order by the Chair.
5.10 Adjournment – quorum not present – names recorded
If there is no quorum present within one-half hour after the time appointed for the meeting, the Commission shall stand adjourned until the date and time of the next regular or special meeting, and the Secretary shall record the names of the members present upon such adjournment.
6.0 Commission Agenda
6.1 Composition – prepared by Secretary
The Secretary shall prepare the Commission Agenda for all regular meetings consisting of the following:
I Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
II Recognitions
III Review of Confidential Matters to be Considered in Public
IV Commission, In Closed Session
V Approval of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting(s)
VI Communications and Petitions
VII Motions of Which Notice is Given
VIII Reports;
IX Added Reports
X Deferred Matters
XI Enquiries
XII Emergent Motions
XIV Adjournment
6.2 Deadline – material inclusion
The deadline for receipt of material by the Secretary to be included in the regular Commission Agenda shall be 12:00 PM/noon on the Wednesday prior to the meeting.
6.3 Added Materials – deadline
The deadline for receipt of added materials by the Secretary for addition to the regular Commission Agenda shall be 12:00 PM/noon on the business day prior to the Commission Meeting.
6.4 Order of business – as specified – exception
The business of each meeting shall be taken up in the order in which on stands in the Commission Agenda, unless otherwise decided by a two-thirds vote of the members present.
6.5 Motion – to change order – not amendable – debatable
A motion changing the order of business shall not be amendable or debatable.
7.0 Commencement of Commission Meetings
7.1 Chair – to preside – all Commission meetings
The Chair, if present, shall preside at all Commission meetings.
7.2 Chair – absence
In the absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair shall call the meeting to order 15 minutes after the hour appointed for the meeting shall preside during the meeting or until the arrival of the Chair.
7.3 Chair and Vice Chair – absence
In the absence of the Chair and Vice Chair the Commission member appointed by the Chair shall call the meeting to order 15 minutes after the hour appointed for the meeting.
8.0 Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest
8.1 Pecuniary interest – disclosure – requirements
If a member has any pecuniary interest, direct or indirect, in any matter in which the Commission is concerned and if they are present at a meeting at which the said matter is the subject of consideration, then they shall disclose their interest at Stage I, as identified in section 6.1 of this procedure, and they shall recuse themselves and not take part in the consideration or discussion of the said matter nor shall they vote on any motion in regard to the said matter.
8.2 Non-compliance – by member – validity not affected
The failure of one or more members to comply with section 8.1 of this procedure shall not affect the validity of the meeting in regard to the said matter.
8.3 Disclosure – by majority – quorum – requirement
Notwithstanding the provisions of section 8.1 of this procedure, when a majority of the members has disclosed an interest in accordance with section 8.1 of this procedure and the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, as may be amended from time to time, the remaining number of members shall be deemed to constitute a quorum, provided such number is not less than two.
9.0 Rules of Debate and Conduct at Commission Meetings
9.1 Order – decorum – maintained – Chair
The Chair shall preside over the conduct of the meeting, including the preservation of good order and decorum, ruling on points of order and deciding all questions relating to the orderly procedure of the meeting, subject to an appeal to the Commission.
9.2 Chair – speaking on motion – to leave Chair
The Chair may answer questions and comment in a general way without leaving the Chair, but if they wish to make a motion or to speak on a motion taking a definite position and endeavouring to persuade the Commission to support that position, then they shall first leave the Chair.
9.3 Chair – leaving Chair – member designated in place
If the Chair desires to leave the Chair for the purpose of taking part in the debate or for any other reason, they shall designate another member to fill their place until they resume the Chair.
9.4 Speaking – recognition by Chair – required
Before a member may speak to any matter, they shall first be recognized by the Chair.
9.5 Speaking – order – determination
When two or more members indicate simultaneously that they wish to speak, the Chair shall name the member who is to speak first.
9.6 Motion – under debate – read – at any time
A member may require the motion under debate to be read at any time during the debate, but shall not interrupt a member who is speaking.
9.7 Disruption – Commission – by member – prohibited
A member shall not disturb the Commission by any disorderly deportment, including conduct contrary to the Code of Conduct established by the Commission.
9.8 Offensive language – insults – prohibited
A member shall not use profane or offensive words or insulting expressions.
9.9 Disobedience – rules – points of order – prohibited
A member shall not disobey the rules of the Commission or a decision of the Chair or of the Commission on points of order or on the interpretation of the rules of procedure of the Commission.
9.10 Leaving seat – disturbance during vote – prohibited
A member shall not leave their seat or make any noise or disturbance while a vote is being taken or until the result is declared.
9.11 Interruption – speakers – exception
A member shall not interrupt a member who is speaking, except to raise a point of order or a question of privilege.
9.12 Leaving meeting – not to return – Chair informed
A member shall not leave the meeting when they do not intend to return thereto without first advising the Chair.
9.13 Disorderly conduct – member to be removed – question
In the event that a member persists in a breach of the rules prescribed in sections 9.9 to 9.13 inclusive of this procedure, after having been called to order by the Chair, the Chair shall put the question “Shall the member be ordered to leave their seat for the duration of the meeting?” and such question is not debatable.
9.14 Disorderly conduct – member to leave seat
If the Commission decides the question set out in section 9.13 of this procedure in the affirmative by a majority vote of the members present, the Chair shall order the member to leave their seat for the duration of the meeting.
9.15 Apology – member to resume seat – by permission
If the member apologizes, the Chair, with the approval of the Commission, may permit them to resume their seat.
10.0 Questions of Privilege/Points of Order
10.1 Rights – privileges – integrity – of members – affected
If a member believes that their rights, privileges or integrity or those of the members collectively have been prejudicially affected, they shall ask leave of the Chair to raise a question of privilege which shall take precedence over all other matters, but they shall not be permitted to enter into any argument or introduce any motion related to the question of privilege.
10.2 LTC Administration – integrity questioned – procedure
When a member considers that the integrity of a member of the LTC Administration has been impugned or questioned, the Chair shall, if they choose to do so, permit the General Manager or their designate to make a statement to the Commission.
10.3 Rule of procedure – violation – raised by member
When a member desires to call attention to a violation of the rules or practices of procedure, they shall ask leave of the Chair to raise a point of order and after leave is granted, they shall state the point of order to the Chair succinctly and the Chair shall then decide upon the point of order and advise the members of their decision.
10.4 Appeal – Chair’s decision – immediately – required
Unless a member immediately appeals the Chair’s decision to the Commission, the decision of the Chair shall be final.
10.5 Appeal – decision – question put – to Commission
If the decision of the Chair is appealed to the Commission, then the question “Shall the ruling of the Chair be sustained?” shall be put immediately without debate and its result shall be final.
11.0 Motions – Order – Putting Motions
11.1 Notice of motion – filed with Secretary
Notices of motion filed with the Secretary shall be directed by the Secretary to the next regular meeting.
11.2 Question – urgent – included in Agenda
Notwithstanding the provisions of section 11.1 of this procedure, when a member, submitting a notice of motion to the Secretary within the deadline prescribed in section 6.2 of this procedure indicates in writing to the Secretary that the notice of motion is a question of urgency, the Secretary include the notice of motion in the Agenda at Stage VII as identified in section 6.1 of this procedure.
11.3 Notice – Agenda – consideration – conditions
Notices of motions included in the Agenda at Stage VII, as identified in section 6.1 of this procedure, shall only be considered by the Commission when a majority of the members present have given leave for the introduction of such a motion.
11.4 Motions for giving leave – non-amendable – debatable
Motions for giving leave shall put immediately without amendment or debate.
11.5 Motion – seconded before debate – exception
Motions shall be seconded before being debated or put to a vote, except motions to adopt a recommendation from a standing committee.
11.6 Withdrawal – before put – requirement
Every motion shall be deemed to be in the possession of the Commission for debate after it is accepted by the Chair, but may, with the permission of the Commission, be withdrawn at the joint request of the mover and seconder at any time before the motion is disposed of.
11.7 Motion under debate – other motions permitted
When a motion is under debate, no other motion shall be in order except a motion:
(a) to adjourn;
(c) to table;
(d) to put the question (to close the debate);
(e) to postpone;
(f) to refer; or
(g) to amend.
11.8 Motion to adjourn – qualifications
A motion to adjourn shall:
(a) not be amended;
(b) not be debated;
(c) not include qualifications or additional statements; and
(d) always be in order, except when a member is speaking or the members are voting or when made in closed session.
11.9 Motion to adjourn – rejected – procedure
When a motion to adjourn has been decided in the negative, no further motion to adjourn shall be made until after some subsequent proceeding has taken place.
11.10 Motion to refer – qualifications
A motion to refer a matter under consideration to the LTC Administration or elsewhere shall:
(a) be open to debate;
(b) be amendable; and
(c) preclude amendment or debate of the preceding motion, unless the motion to refer is resolved in the negative, in which case the preceding motion shall be open to debate and amendment.
11.11 Motion to amend – qualifications
A motion to amend shall:
(a) be open to debate;
(b) not propose a direct negative to the main motion; and
(c) be relevant to the main motion.
11.12 Motion to amend – main motion – one at a time
Only one motion to amend the main motion shall be allowed at one time.
11.13 Motion to amend – amendment – one at a time
Only one motion to amend a motion to amend the main motion shall be allowed at one time.
12.0 Voting
12.1 Amendment – to amendment – voted on first
A motion to amend an amendment to a motion shall be voted on first.
12.2 Voting – order
Voting on the main motion and amending motions shall be conducted in the following order:
(a) a motion to amend a motion to amend the main motion;
(b) a motion (as amended or not) to amend the main motion; and
(c) the main motion (as amended or not).
12.3 Propositions – divided – voted on separately
When the motion under consideration contains distinct propositions, upon the request of any member and provided a recorded vote has not been called for, the vote on each proposition shall be taken separately.
12.4 Motion to vote – immediately – after all have spoken
A motion shall be put to a vote by the Chair immediately after all members desiring to speak on the motion have spoken in accordance with section 9.5 of this procedure.
12.5 Speaking – after motion – before vote announced
After a motion is put to a vote by the Chair, no member shall speak on that motion nor shall any other motion be made until after the result of the vote is announced by the Chair.
12.6 Mandatory vote – all members
Every member present shall vote on every motion unless the member indicates a conflict of interest, in which case the member shall recuse themselves from the vote.
12.7 No vote – deemed negative
Notwithstanding the provisions of section 12.6 of this procedure, every member who is not recused from voting by reason of a declared conflict of interest, shall be deemed to be voting against the motion if they decline or abstain from voting.
12.8 Secret voting – on motion – prohibited
The manner of determining the decision of the Commission on a motion shall not be by secret ballot or by any other method of secret voting.
12.9 Putting the question to vote – qualifications
When putting the question to vote, the Chair shall first ask for those in favour of its adoption to raise their hands and then ask for those opposed to its adoption to raise their hands.
12.10 Result – announced – by Chair
The Chair shall announce the result of every vote.
12.11 Result – disagreement – objection immediate – retaken
If a member disagrees with the number of votes for and against a motion as announced by the Chair, they may object immediately to the Chair’s declaration and, with the consent of the Commission, the vote shall be retaken.
12.12 Tie vote – deemed negative
When there is a tie vote on any motion, it shall be deemed to have been decided in the negative.
12.13 Recorded vote – required
A recorded vote shall be taken on all motions when called for by any member or when required by law.
12.14 Recorded vote – called for – before – after – vote
A member may call for a recorded vote immediately prior to or immediately after the taking of the vote.
12.15 Recorded vote – names – entered in minutes
When a recorded vote is taken, the names of those who voted for and those who voted against the motion shall be entered in the minutes.
12.16 Voting – number of members – calculation
In any vote required of the whole Commission, the number of members constituting the Commission shall be determined by excluding:
(a) the number of members who are present at the meeting but who are excluded from voting by reason of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, R.S.O. 1990, c.M.50 and
(b) the number of seats that are vacant on the Commission by reason of section 259(1) of the Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c.25, as amended.
13.0 Reconsideration – Commission
13.1 Reconsideration – not in order – legally binding commitments
No motion to reconsider a decided matter of the Commission shall be in order when the original motion has been implemented resulting in a legally binding commitment that is in place on the date that a motion to reconsider is to be debated.
13.2 Reconsideration – decided matter of the Commission – same meeting
A motion to reconsider a decided matter of the Commission at the same meeting at which the original motion was decided shall be introduced at Stage XII (Emergent Motions) of the Commission Agenda, unless the Chair determines there was a clear misunderstanding of the question that was put, in which case a motion for reconsideration shall be introduced immediately after the original vote was taken.
13.3 Reconsideration – decided matter of the Commission – subsequent meeting
A motion to reconsider a decided matter of the Commission at a meeting subsequent to the meeting at which the original motion was decided shall require a notice of motion submitted in accordance with section 6.2 of this procedure, and shall be introduced at Stage VII (Motions of Which Notice is Given) of the Commission Agenda.
13.4 Reconsideration – decided matter of the Commission – introduction
A motion to reconsider a decided matter of the Commission must be made by a member who voted with the majority on the original motion.
13.5 Reconsideration – decided matter of the Commission – only once
No motion to reconsider a decided matter of the Commission shall be made more than once in the twelve-month period from the date the matter was decided, unless a regular election has occurred following the decision.
13.6 Reconsideration – decided matter of the Commission – 2/3 vote – whole Commission
A motion to reconsider a decided matter of the Commission shall require the approval of at least two-thirds of the whole Commission.
13.7 Affirmative vote – original matter – next business
If a motion to reconsider is decided in the affirmative at a meeting, then consideration of the original matter shall become the next order of business.
13.8 Debate – prohibited – statement of reason – permitted
No debate on a motion to reconsider a decided matter shall be permitted; however the mover of a motion to reconsider may provide a brief and concise statement outlining the reasons for proposing such reconsideration.
14.0 Delegations
14.1 Written request – to Secretary
Any person desiring to be heard by the Commission shall submit a written request to the Secretary in accordance with the established submission deadline as set out in section 6.2 of this procedure.
14.2 Business – stated – matters – related to
Persons appearing before the Commission shall confine their remarks to the business stated in their request.
14.3 Speaking – limited – 5 minutes
No delegation shall speak on a matter longer than a 5 minute period, without leave of a majority of the Commission.
14.4 Repetition – prevented – hearing declined – exception
In order to avoid repetition and to ensure an opportunity for the expression of different points of view but except as required by law, the Commission may decline to hear any person who has an identifiable common interest or concern with any other person who has already appeared and spoken at the meeting of the Commission.
14.5 Appearance – previous – limitation – new information
Except as required by law, any person appearing before the Commission who has previously appeared before the Commission on the same subject matter shall be limited to providing only new information in their second and subsequent appearances.
15.0 Commission – In Closed Session
15.1 Chair
Whenever a majority of the members present decide that the Commission should convene in closed session, the Chair shall continue to preside and maintain order during the in closed session portion of the Commission meeting.
15.2 Chair – where Chair absent
In the absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair shall preside and maintain order during the in closed session portion of the Commission meeting.
15.3 Commission – in closed session – matters
The Commission shall consider, in closed session, all matters contained in the in closed session agenda.
15.4 Meeting – in closed session – decided by majority vote
Any part of a Commission meeting may be held in closed session if the Commission so decides by a majority vote of the members present to consider matters in accordance with sections 5.2 to 5.4 of this procedure.
15.5 Motion to rise and report – non-debatable
A motion shall be made during the in closed session of the Commission to rise and report in public session of the Commission and shall be decided without debate.
15.6 Report – proceedings – immediate
The proceedings of the in closed session portion of a Commission meeting, shall be reported by the Chair, to present the report of the in closed session of the Commission in public session of the Commission.
15.7 Report – recommendations – adopted – confirmed
The report and recommendations of the Commission referred to in section 15.6 of this procedure may be adopted and confirmed by the Commission in a single motion.
15.8 Request – to vote separately – requirements
A member may request, prior to the adoption of the report and recommendations of the Commission referred to in section 15.6 of this procedure, that a recommendation be voted on separately, and such a request shall not require the introduction of a motion.
16.0 Communications – Petitions
16.1 Presentation – information – legibly written – signed
Every communication or petition intended for presentation to the Commission shall be legibly written or printed and shall be signed by at least one person giving their address.
16.2 Listed – in Agenda – with similar matters
The Secretary shall list in the Agenda only those communications and petitions which pertain to matters contained in the reports and other communications listed in the Agenda.
16.3 Language – obscene – defamatory – prohibited
Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 16.2 of this procedure, communications or petitions containing obscene or defamatory language shall not be listed in the Agenda.
16.5 Distribution of Materials – Secretary
No person, other than the Secretary or their designate, shall before or during a meeting of the Commission place on the desks of the Members, or otherwise distribute, any material whatsoever.
17.0 Public at Commission Meetings
17.1 Public – Proper Decorum to Be Maintained
At all times members of the public in attendance at Commission meetings shall conduct themselves with proper decorum, in order to ensure a safe and respectful meeting environment.
17.2 Public – Electronic Devices – Silenced
Members of the public in attendance at Commission meetings shall ensure that all electronic devices are set to silent mode.
17.3 Public – Disorderly Conduct
Any person who is not conducting themselves in a manner as set out in section 17.1 or 17.2 of this procedure shall be asked by the Chair to do so. If that person continues to conduct themselves in a manner contrary to section 17.1 or section 17.2 of this procedure, then that person shall be removed from the meeting.
17.4 Public – Immediate Removal
Notwithstanding section 17.3 of this procedure, in the event a member of the public is conducting themselves in a manner which poses a threat to the personal safety of themselves or others in attendance at the meeting, they shall be removed from the meeting, without warning.
17.5 Suspension of meeting – order restored
The Chair may unilaterally suspend the meeting until order is restored in the meeting.
18.0 Enquiries
18.1 Corporation – business – procedure
Enquiries relating to any matter connected with the business of The Corporation of the London Transit Commission may be made by members to the Chair or, through them, to another member or to the General Manager or their designate, at Stage XI, as identified in section 6.1 of this procedure.
18.2 Argument – opinions – debate – prohibited
When an enquiry is made in accordance with section 18.1 of this procedure, no argument, opinion or facts shall be stated, except so far as may be necessary to explain the enquiry, and no debate shall be permitted with respect to the enquiry.
18.3 Answer – response – debate – prohibited
When a member answers a question in response to an enquiry, they shall not debate the matter to which the enquiry refers.
18.4 Enquiry – direction – leave required
A member who wishes to make a motion as a result of an enquiry must first seek leave in accordance with section 11.4 of this procedure.
19.0 Advisory Committee Reports
19.1 Reports – adopted – confirmed – by motion
The reports of the advisory committee meetings may be adopted and confirmed by the Commission in a single motion and the passage of such a motion shall be taken to confirm and adopt all of the recommendations contained in the report, except for those recommendations dealt with or voted on separately.
19.2 Recommendation – separate vote – upon request
A member may request, prior to the adoption of a an advisory committee report, that a specific recommendation be voted on separately due to a declared conflict of interest or a desire to debate the matter, and such a request shall not require the introduction of a motion.
19.3 Chair – advisory committee – presentation
The Chair of the advisory committee shall present the report of their standing committee to the Commission on behalf of their committee. Should the Chair of the committee be unable to attend, the General Manager or designate may present the report.
20.0 Emergent Business
20.1 Emergent – congratulatory – condolatory matters
Business that is not part of the Agenda shall not be considered by the Commission unless it is of an emergent, congratulatory or condolatory nature.
20.2 Introduction – 2/3 vote – required
Members shall introduce matters described in section 20.1 of this procedure at Stage XII, as identified in section 6.1 of this procedure, but in order for such matters to be introduced two-thirds of the members present shall give leave for the introduction of such matters.
20.3 Motion to introduce – not amendable – debatable
Motions to give leave for the introduction of such matters shall not be amendable or debatable.
21.0 Unfinished Business
21.1 Repeated – until disposed of
Items in the Agenda which have not been disposed of by the Commission shall be repeated in each subsequent Agenda until disposed of by the Commission.