Meeting #3 – London Transit Commission – March 27, 2024 @ 5PM

Meeting #3

The London Transit Commission Main Boardroom at 450 Highbury Avenue N. Wednesday March 27, 2024 @ 5:00 p.m.

I Call to Order

II Completion and Acceptance of Agenda

III Disclosures of Pecuniary Interest

IV Approval of Minutes

Approval of minutes of meeting held on February 28, 2024

V Presentation/Delegation

5:05 p.m. Katie denBok, KPMG, re 2023 Draft Audit Report. (see Staff Report #1)

VI Communication

  1. 2nd Report Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee re meeting held on March 12, 2024.

VII Staff Reports

  1. Director of Finance – 2023 Draft Auditors’ Report
  1. Director of Finance – 2023 Pension Fund Audit and Plan Enhancements
  1. Director of Finance – Status of Reserves and Reserve Funds – December 31, 2023
  1. General Manager – Financial and Operational Performance Review
  1. Director of Planning – Service Implementation Update – New Express Route 95
  1. Director of Planning – 2024 Service Plan – Conventional Service
  1. Director of Finance – Contract Extension – Fuel
  1. Director of Finance – Recosted 2024 Operating Budget Program
  1. Director of Finance – Recosted 2024 Capital Budget Program
  1. Director of Planning – 2024 Transit Passenger Shelter Program
  1. Director of Operations – Specialized Scheduling Update
  1. General Manager – Viability of Virtual/Recorded Commission Meetings
  1. Director of Operations – 2024 Road Construction and Special Events Update

VIII In Camera

Consistent with the provision of Section 239 of the Municipal Act, the Commission will move In Camera to consider the following:

  1. Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including Municipal or local board employees.

IX Date of Next Meeting

Wednesday April 24, 2024 – 5:00 p.m.

X Adjournment