Meeting #4 – Minutes of the London Transit Commission on Wednesday April 24, 2024 @ 5PM

Meeting #4


Those present were

Stephanie Marentette – Chair

David Ferreira – Commissioner

David Little – Commissioner

Jacqueline Madden – Commissioner

Jerry Pribil – Commissioner

Sheryl Rooth – Commissioner 

With regret was

Scott Collyer – Vice-Chair

Also present were

Kelly Paleczny – General Manager

Katie Burns – Director of Planning

Joanne Galloway – Director of Human Resources

Mike Gregor – Director of Finance

Craig Morneau – Director of Fleet & Facilities

Shawn Wilson – Director of Operations

David Butler – Manager, Operations Administration

Caroline Roy – Secretary

Meeting to order

The meeting was called to order.

Completion and

Acceptance of


The Chair called for acceptance of the agenda as amended, D. Little moves, seconded by S. Rooth, the acceptance of the agenda as amended. CARRIED.


of Pecuniary Interest

The Chair called for disclosures of pecuniary interest with respect to the agenda. There were no conflicts of interest declared. 


S. Rooth moves, seconded by D. Little, the minutes of the meeting held on March 27, 2024 be APPROVED.

YEAS: S. Marentette, D. Ferreira, D. Little, J. Madden, J. Pribil and S. Rooth


Letter from City Clerk re Council’s direction to initiate a comprehensive operations and performance audit of the London Transit Commission

With regard to the Letter from M. Schulthess, City Clerk, dated April 3, 2024 re Council’s direction to initiate a comprehensive operations and performance audit of the London Transit Commission, copy attached, D. Little moves, seconded by J. Madden, the letter be NOTED and FILED.

YEAS: S. Marentette, D. Ferreira, D. Little, J. Madden, J. Pribil and S. Rooth


Letter from Jacqueline Madden re LTC’s bag policy on the Specialized Service

With regard to the letter from Jacqueline Madden, Commissioner, re LTC’s bag policy on the Specialized Service, copy attached, S. Rooth moves, seconded by J. Madden, the letter be NOTED and FILED.

YEAS: S. Marentette, D. Ferreira, D. Little, J. Madden, J. Pribil and S. Rooth


Bus Replacement – Contract Award

With regard to the Bus Replacement – Contract Award report, copy attached, D. Ferreira moves, seconded by D. Little, the Commission:

i) ACCEPT the bid submission from New Flyer Industries Canada, ULC for the supply of both 40’ and 60’ replacement and expansion buses for the period of 2024 through 2027, at a unit cost of $857,250.00 and $1,309,832.00 exclusive of applicable taxes respectively for buses ordered in 2024 (price escalation will apply going forward);

ii) DIRECT the administration finalize the appropriate contract with New Flyer Industries Canada, ULC;

iii) DIRECT administration to confirm the ability to adjust future year capital budget requirements to accommodate for the inflationary impacts above which was budgeted for; and

iv) APPROVE the purchase of the 2024 replacement bus requirements (15 – 40’ buses & 2 – 60’ buses) at a total cost of $15,478,414, exclusive of applicable taxes and the 2025 replacement bus requirements (15 – 40’ buses & 2- 60’ buses) at a total cost of $15,478,414

YEAS: S. Marentette, D. Ferreira, D. Little, J. Madden, J. Pribil and S. Rooth


2024 Work Program – General – First Quarter Update

With regard to the 2024 Work Program – General – First Quarter Update report, copy attached, S. Rooth moves, seconded by D. Ferreira, the report be NOTED and FILED.

YEAS: S. Marentette, D. Ferreira, D. Little, J. Madden, J. Pribil and S. Rooth


2024 Work Program – Finance – First Quarter Update

With regard to the 2024 Work Program – Finance – First Quarter Update report, copy attached, J. Madden moves, seconded by J. Pribil, the report be NOTED and FILED.

YEAS: S. Marentette, D. Ferreira, D. Little, J. Madden, J. Pribil and S. Rooth


2024 Work Program – Human Resources – First Quarter Update

With regard to the 2024 Work Program – Human Resources – First Quarter Update report, copy attached, D. Little moves, seconded by S. Rooth, the report be NOTED and FILED.

YEAS: S. Marentette, D. Ferreira, D. Little, J. Madden, J. Pribil and S. Rooth


2024 Work Program – Fleet & Facilities – First Quarter Update

With regard to the 2024 Work Program – Fleet & Facilities – First Quarter Update report, copy attached, D. Ferreira moves, seconded by J. Pribil, the report be NOTED and FILED.

YEAS: S. Marentette, D. Ferreira, D. Little, J. Madden, J. Pribil and S. Rooth


2024 Work Program – Operations – First Quarter Update

With regard to the 2024 Work Program – Operations – First Quarter Update report, copy attached, S. Rooth moves, seconded by J. Madden, the report be NOTED and FILED.

YEAS: S. Marentette, D. Ferreira, D. Little, J. Madden, J. Pribil and S. Rooth


2024 Work Program – Specialized Operations – First Quarter Update

With regard to the 2024 Work Program – Specialized Operations – First Quarter Update report, copy attached, S. Rooth moves, seconded by D. Little, the report be NOTED and FILED.

YEAS: S. Marentette, D. Ferreira, D. Little, J. Madden, J. Pribil and S. Rooth


2024 Work Program – Planning – First Quarter Update

With regard to the 2024 Work Program – Planning – First Quarter Update report, copy attached, S. Rooth moves, seconded by D. Little, the report be NOTED and FILED.

YEAS: S. Marentette, D. Ferreira, D. Little, J. Madden, J. Pribil and S. Rooth


2024 Work Program – Corporate Communications / Information Technology – First Quarter Update

With regard to the 2024 Work Program – Corporate Communications/Information Technology – First Quarter Update report, copy attached, J. Pribil moves, seconded by S. Rooth, the report be NOTED and FILED.

YEAS: S. Marentette, D. Ferreira, D. Little, J. Madden, J. Pribil and S. Rooth


2024 Road Construction Update

With regard to the 2024 Road Construction Updates report, copy attached, D. Little moves, seconded by S. Rooth, the report be NOTED and FILED.

YEAS: S. Marentette, D. Ferreira, D. Little, J. Madden, J. Pribil and S. Rooth


Financial Update – Conventional Transit Services – Operating Budget – March 31, 2024

With regard to the Financial Update – Conventional Transit Services – Operating Budget – March 31, 2024 report, copy attached, S. Rooth moves, seconded by D. Ferreira, the report be NOTED and FILED.

YEAS: S. Marentette, D. Ferreira, D. Little, J. Madden, J. Pribil and S. Rooth


Financial Update – Specialized Transit Services – Operating Budget – March 31, 2024

With regard to the Financial Update – Specialized Transit Services – Operating Budget – March 31, 2024 report, copy attached, S. Rooth moves, seconded by D. Ferreira, the report be NOTED and FILED.

YEAS: S. Marentette, D. Ferreira, D. Little, J. Madden, J. Pribil and S. Rooth


Financial Update – Capital Budget Programs – March 31, 2024

With regard to the Financial Update – Capital Budget Programs – March 31, 2024 report, copy attached, S. Rooth moves, seconded by D. Ferreira, the report be NOTED and FILED.

YEAS: S. Marentette, D. Ferreira, D. Little, J. Madden, J. Pribil and S. Rooth


Verbal Update – Pilot Project re High School Transit Pass

With regard to the verbal Update – Pilot Project re High School Transit Pass, D. Ferreira moves, seconded by J. Pribil, the report be NOTED and FILED.

YEAS: S. Marentette, D. Ferreira, D. Little, J. Madden, J. Pribil and S. Rooth


Date of Next Meeting

The Commission confirmed the date of the next meeting as follows:

Wednesday May 29, 2024 – 5:00 P.M.


S. Rooth moves, seconded by D. Little the meeting be adjourned. CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 6:25 p.m.


Stephanie Marentette – Chair


Caroline Roy – Secretary