General Information
London Transit’s specialized transit service is a shared ride, door-to-door service designed to meet the needs of the citizens of London who have a disability that prevents them, on a regular basis, from being able to use London’s conventional transit service.
Trips are not guaranteed and the service is operated in accordance with policy and procedures as reviewed and amended from time to time.
See our Accessibility page for the Commission’s commitment and AODA requirements.
You can contact our Customer Service Representatives at 519-451-1347 or
How To Apply
If you are interested in applying for the Specialized Service find out how below.
You must complete an application form that you can obtain by:
- Downloading the application form
- Picking up a form at either of our office locations
- Contact our Brokerage Office at 519-451-1340 ext 381 and leave a message with your name and address
Once you have the form you will need to complete sections A through C and have a health care professional complete section D.
Mail or drop off the completed form to 450 Highbury Avenue North, London ON, N5W 5L2.
If your registration is approved, you will receive a card giving you a registration number, and the phone numbers you will need to call to book your trips. Your registration number will be required each time you book a trip.
Already a registrant, find below general information you will need to know.
Booking Info & Specialized Contact Info
Booking Specialized Transit Services
Cancel any trip that has been scheduled that you do not wish to use as far in advance as possible.
Scheduled trips not cancelled at least 3 hours before the scheduled pick-up time will be recorded as a late cancellation.
Scheduled trips not cancelled at least one-half hour before the schedule pick-up time will be recorded as a no-show. Excessive late cancellations and/or no-shows could result in suspension of an individual’s registration.
Self Serve Options
January 2025 – A new Scheduling & Booking System in being implemented for Specialized Transit – find details here!
Things Registrants Should Know:
Companion(s) may come with you provided there is enough space available at the time of booking. Please try to be reasonable with the number of people you consider bringing. All companions must each pay the same one way fare as the customer.
Support Person
A support person can travel for free with confirmed eligibility. Complete the application form and follow the submission instructions.
Trip Planning
Provides participants with the necessary knowledge for making use of the accessible fixed-route services. Included in the information session is planning an accessible fixed route trip, reading related schedules, recognizing bus numbers and stops, boarding and de-boarding accessible conventional buses, and safety.
Workshop and Medical Shuttles
Provide dedicated trips for passengers that require a higher level of service, which circulate to pick up passengers from locations such as sheltered workshops or dialysis and drop them off at their destination.
Travel Training
Provides a higher level of support offered to people, often with cognitive disabilities, who need more rigorous support to learn to use regular fixed-route transit to complete their daily travel.
Groceries and other parcels may be brought with you on Specialized Transit. However, drivers will not assist with carrying groceries or similar packages. Arrangements should be made for someone else to assist you if you cannot carry packages by yourself.
Off Peak Pass
All approved Specialized Service registrants are eligible for an Off Peak Pass allowing riders to travel for free on the Conventional Service between 9am and 2pm as well as between 6pm and end of service. Visit an LTC location with your registrant number to obtain the Off Peak Pass.