The London Transit Commission (LTC) is committed to providing a safe and violence free workplace. The LTC recognizes the problem of workplace violence, both globally in our society and specifically in its own workplace. LTC will not tolerate any acts of workplace violence and domestic violence in the workplace.
In order to achieve a violence free workplace, it is important that the LTC, the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 741 and all employees work together to develop a program including recognizing the issue, instituting preventative measures, reporting on acts of violence and responding to and addressing acts of workplace violence, including post-incident support for victims. All possible sources of workplace violence, including customers, workers, supervisors and managers, strangers and domestic/intimate partners, will be considered in the establishment of the prevention program. The LTC will ensure that appropriate resources are committed to accomplish these measures.
Every worker must work in compliance with this Policy and the supporting Workplace Violence Prevention Program. Workers are expected to raise any concerns of workplace violence and report violent incidents or threats.
Any allegations of workplace violence will be investigated promptly and appropriate action will be taken.
Managers will adhere to this Policy and the Violence Prevention Program. Managers are responsible for ensuring workers are trained on the protective measures and procedures, are being followed by workers, and provide information as required to protect workers from violence in the workplace.
This Policy and the Workplace Violence Prevention Program works in concert with the Human Rights Policy and the Mutual Respect Policy to address the responsibilities outlined in the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Part III – Violence and Harassment.
This policy applies to all LTC employees, visitors, contractors, and vendors.
“Workplace” means any land, premises, location or vehicle at, upon or in or near (e.g. relief points) which an employee works.
“Workplace Violence” means:
- the exercise of physical force against a worker or other person, in the workplace, that causes or could cause physical injury;
- an attempt to exercise physical force against a worker, in the workplace, that could cause physical injury; and
- a statement or behaviour that it is reasonable for a worker or other person to interpret as a threat to exercise physical force against another person that could cause physical injury to the worker or other person.
Kelly S. Paleczny, General Manager
January 1, 2025