The following stop changes on Route 4 with the exception of Shoto at Jalna SB are effective May 28th, 2018.
Stop Name | Stop ID | Stop Status |
Ernest at Finch SB | 661 | Removed |
Jalna at Bradley Ave NS E Leg SB | 1045 | Removed |
Jalna at Ernest Ave E WB | 1054 | Removed |
Nixon at Wimblest Ave NB | 1237 | Relocated |
Nixon at Creston Ave NB | 1233 | Removed |
Jalna at Alyne Cr (N Leg) SB | 1037 | Removed |
Sholto at Jalna Blvd SB | 1661 | Relocated (Effective June 7, 2018) |
Ernest at Lacey Cres N Leg NB | 664 | Removed |
Jalna at Archer Cres (SW Leg) SB | 1038 | Removed |
Jalna at Beechmount Cr (S Leg) NB | 1042 | Removed |
Ernest at Jalna North NB | 662 | Relocated |