Staff Report #11 – 2024 Work Program – Specialized Operations– Second Quarter Update

Staff Report #11

August 28, 2024

To All Commissioners

Re: 2024 Work Program – Specialized Operations– Second Quarter Update


The report be NOTED and FILED.


The following report is provided as an update on significant projects as set out in the 2024 Work Program that were scheduled to commence and/or be substantially completed in the Second quarter, with the lead on same being the primary responsibility of the Director of Operations.

1.4 – 2024 Specialized Service Improvements

The outstanding growth hours for 2024 are scheduled to be added to the service beginning September 1, 2024. Three additional vehicles will be scheduled during the highest period of demand from 8:00am to 6:30pm Monday to Friday.

In light of the multi-year budget approvals for growth hours, and the planned additions to the service as of January 1, 2025, the contractor has confirmed that they will have the vehicles required for the 2025 service improvements prepared for service before the end of the calendar year. As such, the full 10,000 hours can be implemented starting at the beginning of 2025 so as to have the greatest positive impact on the customer experience.

12.9 – Specialized Booking System replacement

As recommended and approved in Staff Report #1 dated February 28, 2024, administration has initiated the system upgrade process with the vendor.

Vendor availability issues resulted in a delay in project commencement, with the initial kick-off meeting not being held until August 15, 2024 to review the order of events for the implementation of the new software. Administration has reiterated the imperative nature of this project and the need to move this project forward as quickly as possible, and as such they have dedicated the required resources to the project through completion.

At time of report writing, administration has completing the documentation for the operational review which is required to establish the baseline parameters for the booking system.

It is anticipated that implementation can be completed within approximately four (4) months from the kick-off meeting; however, during the Operational review period, a project plan will be prepared for each of the implementation modules clarifying expected timelines. Until such time as the detailed work plan is completed, milestone dates cannot be confirmed; however, discussions to date have not resulted in any indication that dates will vary significantly from those set out in the February report.

Specialized Registrant Base Review

As previously communicated, a review of the specialized registrant database was undertaken in advance of the upgrade to the new booking system to ensure all customer information is up to date and accurate. The review focused on registrants who had not utilized the service since January 2023. As the result of this review, approximately 5,000 registrants have either been removed completely (deceased, moved, no longer require the service) or have been designated inactive in the system (review was unable to contact registrant to confirm requirements). Additionally, upon the competition of the review, all databases in the Specialized Department have been updated to reflect same. As set out in the Five-Year Service Plan for the Specialized service, a review of this nature will be conducted every three years going forward to ensure that records remain accurate and up to date.

Recommended by:

Shawn Wilson, Director of Operations

Concurred in by:

Kelly S. Paleczny, General Manager