Staff Report #2
May 29, 2024
To All Commissioners
Re: Contract Award – Bus Wash System
That the Commission APPROVE the contract with Westmatic Clean and Green relating to the addition of a second bus wash system at the Wonderland Road facility at a cost of $467,986 exclusive of applicable taxes.
As part of the daily servicing of buses, London Transit utilizes automated drive-thru bus washing systems at both the Highbury and Wonderland facilities. In 2017, the two aging units at Highbury were replaced utilizing PTIF funding, while the unit at Wonderland, installed in 2010, continues to serve that location. Although the one system at Wonderland has yet to reach the end of its useful life, when ongoing maintenance does occur, buses miss their wash cycle.
When the Wonderland Road facility was constructed, the addition of a second servicing lane was included in the plans, but not implemented due to the building’s excess capacity. With the increase in fleet currently being maintained at the Wonderland garage (55 buses as compared to the initial 38), and growth units slated to be housed at this location over the next year, the need to expand the service lane now exists. Further, the addition of the second lane will reduce the wear and tear on the original bus wash and also provide redundancy when servicing is required on either system.
Given the benefits associated with the utilization of the same equipment at both LTC facilities (i.e. consistent maintenance, servicing requirements and spare parts inventory), the supplier of the current bus wash infrastructure was asked to provide a quote to add a second bus wash system at the Wonderland Road facility with the same equipment currently utilized. A quote for supply and installation of a second bus wash system at the Wonderland Road facility was received from Westmatic Clean and Green at a total cost of $467,986 which can be accommodated within the Facility Upgrades capital program budget.
Subsequent to Commission approval, the system will be ordered and the vendor is indicating a 14-16-week delivery lead time.
Recommended by:
Craig Morneau, Director of Fleet & Facilities
Mike Gregor, Director of Finance
Concurred in by:
Kelly S. Paleczny, General Manager