Staff Report #6 – Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee Terms of Reference

Staff Report #6

May 31, 2023

To All Commissioners

Re: Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee Terms of Reference


That the Commission:

  1. APPROVE the revised terms of reference for the Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee, expanding the Committee composition to include one member of the Commission who is also a member of Municipal Council; and
  2. ADVISE administration of the Commission member who will be appointed to the Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee for the period ending November 16, 2026.


At the April 12, 2023 meeting, the Commission directed administration to provide a revised terms of reference for the Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee (APTSAC) that included one member of the Commission who is also an elected member of Municipal Council to the voting membership category.

The revised terms of reference, which is recommended for Commission approval in the report recommendation is set out in Enclosure I.

Members of the APTSAC are appointed for a term matching that of the Commission, and as such, the Commission member appointed to the Committee would remain on the Committee until November 16, 2026. At the Committee’s first meeting, a meeting schedule for 2023 was approved as set out below, noting all meetings occur on Tuesdays at 11:00am and, given the preference of Committee members, are currently being held virtually.

Tuesday June 13

Tuesday July 11 – Meeting at the call of the Chair

Tuesday August 8 – Meeting at the call of the Chair

Tuesday September 12

Tuesday October 10 – Meeting at the call of the Chair

Tuesday November 14

The meeting dates that are referenced as “at the call of the Chair” are intended to be place-holder dates in the event that a meeting needs to be held. Administration holds discussions with the Committee Chair in advance of these dates to determine whether a meeting is required and members are advised accordingly.

The Commission member appointed to the Committee will be invited to all meetings going forward.


I – Accessible Public Transit Service Advisory Committee Terms of Reference

Recommended by:

Kelly S. Paleczny, General Manager