Staff Report #7 – 2023 Work Program – Operations – Second Quarter Update

Staff Report #7

August 30, 2023

To All Commissioners

Re: 2023 Work Program – Operations – Second Quarter Update


The report be NOTED and FILED.


The following report is provided as an update on significant projects as set out in the 2023 Work Program that were scheduled to commence and/or be completed in the second quarter, with the lead on same being the primary responsibility of the Operations Department.

2.3 – Assess Operational Impacts of Reduced Speed Limits on Bus Routes – This assessment has been deferred from the second quarter until later in the year when full service levels are in place such that the impacts can be properly assessed.

3.4 – Monitoring and reporting of On Time Performance – The Operations department monitors the on time performance of the system with the goal of improving the customer experience through recommendations for schedule improvements, training/coaching, and/or performance management. The nature and extent of the construction activity and related detours, coupled with the lack of resources to implement tripper buses continues to result in poor scheduled adherence on numerous routes.

4.6 c – Specialized Service Detailed Review of Trip Demand/Times – Collection of data with respect to completed trip times, requested trip times and common pick up and drop off locations has been ongoing for the past several months. This data has been utilized to identify the times of day and days of week where service level improvements should be directed to best match demand.

5.2 – Occupational Health and Safety Work Program – Banning Policy and Procedure Review –  In 2022, through the Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC), a Working Group was formed to review the current process on how banned passengers on the service are managed. A report was provided to the JHSC which included recommendations relating to:

  • The process to follow when a banned passenger is on board a bus; and
  • The process to follow when LPS cannot attend

These updated processes will be incorporated into updated training for Operators, Inspectors and Dispatchers. Additionally, a checklist and pocket card are being created which will provide employees with a quick reference when dealing with the safe removal of a banned passenger.

5.5 – Review of Communication between Dispatch and Operators – As discussed in Staff Report #3, dated March 6, 2023, there has been an upward trend in the number of Mutual Respect in the Workplace complaints between Operations and Dispatch. Analysis of the complaints identified the root cause of the majority of the complaints stemmed from a general lack of understanding of the multiple work rules by new hires, frustration from Dispatchers when faced with repetitive questions, a lack of patience and understanding toward new hires, and difficulties in overall communications. To address the issues, Operations established a Working Group in the Spring of 2023 to further assess the Mutual Respect in the Workplace complaints, review the current SOPs, establish best practices for communicating more effectively in a mutually respectful and professional manner, address any training deficiencies and develop clear expectations of both parties, noting that Dispatch is to provide support to new Operators when needed. The Working Group will put forward recommendations in the coming month for review and consideration.

Recommended by:

Shawn Wilson, Director of Operations

Concurred in by:

Kelly S. Paleczny, General Manager