Staff Report #7 – Financial Update – Specialized Transit Services – Operating Budget – May 31, 2022

Staff Report #7

June 29, 2022

To All Commissioners

Re: Financial Update – Specialized Transit Services – Operating Budget – May 31, 2022


That the report be NOTED and FILED.


Set out in the table below is the Statement of Operations for Specialized Transit Services for the five-month period ending May 31, 2022. The statement sets out actual to budget performance for the period.

London Transit Commission

Statement of Operations – Specialized Transit Services

Five Months Ending May 31, 2022

(000’s omitted)

Description  Actual  Budget  Amount Better (Worse)  Amount Better (Worse)
Transportation $ 167.0 $ 187.4 $ (20.4)  (10.9)%
Province-provincial gas tax 736.8 736.8 0.0 %
City of London 3,737.7 3,737.7 0.0 %
Total revenue 4,641.5 4,661.9 (20.4)  (0.4)%
Personnel cost 456.7 493.1 36.4  7.4 %
Contract service cost 3,268.1 3,527.4 259.3 7.3 %
All other material expense 63.4 72.3 8.9 12.3%
Total expenditure 3,788.3 4,092.8 304.5  7.4 %
Net cost 853.3 569.1 284.2 6.9 %
Safe Restart program(1) (808.0) (569.1) (238.9) (5.8)%
Net favourable/(unfavourable) $ 45.3  $ – $ 45.3  1.1 %

Notes: (1) Actual Safe Restart allocation subject to final reconciliation and submission of claims to the Province

As indicated in the above table, the service has a net favourable operating budget performance to date of 1.1% or $45,300. An explanation of the variances is set out below.

Net Operating Costs

  • unfavourable transportation revenue of $20,400 due to slightly lower ridership than anticipated;
  • favourable personnel costs of $36,400 due to timing of vacancies and less than anticipated overtime; and
  • favourable contract service costs of $259,300 due to less service hours utilized.

COVID-19 related variances will be monitored in connection with the Safe Restart funding and overall Safe Restart Reserve Fund and separate reports will be provided detailing actual submissions to the Province.


The table below sets out actual to budget ridership and other performance related measures as well as a comparison to the same period in the previous year.

Ridership and Other Statistics Actual vs. Budget

Five Months Ending May 31, 2022

(000’s omitted)

Description Actual Budget Variance % Variance 2021 Actual % Variance
Eligible passenger trips 80,779 82,800 (2,021) (2.4)% 52,779 53.1 %
Attendant/companion trips 4,826 9,600 (4,774) (49.7)% 3,489 38.3 %
Total Trips 85,605 92,400 (6,795) (7.4)% 56,268 52.1 %
Average fare  $ 1.951 $ 2.028  $ (0.077) (3.8)%  $ 1.987  (1.8)%
Service Hours 51,107 56,080 4,973 8.9 % 50,389 1.4 %
EPT per service hour 1.58 1.48 0.10  7.1 % 1.05 50.9 %
Total trips per service hour 1.68 1.65 0.03 1.7 % 1.12 50.0 %

As was the case in 2021, the onset of the pandemic and its impacts in March 2020, coupled with the ongoing ridership fluctuations since that time complicate the ability to compare 2021 results to those experienced in 2022.

Administration will continue to monitor the operating budget performance reporting on same on a monthly basis including providing recommendations as may be appropriate.

Recommended by: 

Mike Gregor, Director of Finance

Concurred in by:

Kelly S. Paleczny, General Manager