Staff Report #9 April 25, 2018


To All Commissioners

Re: 2018 Work Program – Operations – First Quarter Update



That the report be NOTED and FILED.


The following report is provided as an update on major Operations projects as set out in the 2018 Work Program that are ongoing in nature and/or were scheduled to commence and/or be completed over the first three months of 2018, with the lead on same being the primary responsibility of the Operations Department.


Winter Weather Impact September 2017- April 2018

At the January 31, 2018 meeting, the Commission requested a report back on the impacts of severe weather on the service during winter months. As such a review was completed for the winter of 2017/2018. London experienced a relatively small number of severe weather days that resulted in an impact on the service, specifically based on adherence to schedule and/or Operator availability. With the concentrated snowfall events on December 12, 2017 and January 5, 2018, the service operated behind schedule for extended periods noting in these situations Operators are instructed to drive safely and in accordance with existing road conditions. On both of these days, the weather resulted in employees not making it to work, which required overtime Operators to fill open pieces of work. Dispatch made every effort to ensure that all scheduled buses made service. During these types of events, the website and Interactive Phone system are updated with messaging regarding the conditions and suggestions that customers allow for more time in travel due to the weather impact. Also during events of this nature, messages are sent directly to Operators via the onboard mobile terminal (MDT) thanking them for their continuous efforts.

In regard to the April 14 and 15, 2018 weather event, service ran as scheduled with minimal impact to adherence. Social media was used to advise riders that services were running as scheduled, and riders were able to monitor service through the real-time service information.

While there was an impact to service on the above mentioned dates, generally winter weather during the period assessed had minimal impact on service as a whole.


Summer Construction Communication Plan

At the March 28, 2018 meeting, the Commission requested a follow-up report with respect to the planned communication strategy relating to summer construction projects.

Understanding that the planned construction for the summer of 2018, specifically in the core will have significant impacts on service, continuous and timely effort to ensure that all employees and customers are informed will be top priority.

London Transit administration is working with City of London administration, specifically the Downtown Project and Business Relations team on a joint communication campaign including posters and billboards intended to remind Londoners of the significant improvements that will result from these temporary inconveniences. In addition, LTC administration will be attending weekly meetings with the Downtown Project and Business Relations team to ensure an understanding of the project status as well as to advise on potential impacts/implications to any issues that may arise during the period of construction (i.e. new short term detours, lane closures, etc.).


Customer Communications

The launch of InfoWeb, Twitter and email alerts, has provided significant improvements in our ability to keep customers informed about detours, schedule adherence and general service issues. In addition to the technology options of informing customers, the following measures are also utilized:

  • On-board posters will be utilized to advise of significant detours/disruptions (i.e. Dundas Place)
  • Stops that will not be in use during detours will be marked as out of use with directions to closest stops
  • LTC staff will be in the downtown core the week of April 29, 2018 to assist passengers with the routing changes as a result of the Dundas Place detour


Employee Communications

Ongoing communication will also be maintained with our Operators, Dispatchers, Inspectors, Ticket Clerks and Customer Service staff to ensure they have the most up-to-date information regarding each construction project and the associated detours. Use of internal postings, the Marlin system and MDT messages will help to make certain all parties are kept up-to-date.

Operations department personnel will also maintain a presence on the service in the areas affected by detours, providing the opportunity to discuss issues directly with Operators as well as to experience the impacts being felt by customers. Services in the affected areas will also be monitored closely in an effort to identify bottlenecks that may be addressed through re-routing or the addition of tripper buses. All of this information will be shared during regular department meetings and utilized to discuss possible mitigation strategies going forward to limit the negative impacts of the detours.


Lost & Found Policy and Procedures Review

A review of the current Lost & Found Policy and Procedures was undertaken as a result of complaints relating to the possible unsanitary nature of the items being stored as well as the considerable resources being utilized to transport lost items of lesser value back and forth from the Ticket Office and the main office. The review included consultation with a number of transit properties on their protocols relating to lost and found items. As the result of the review, the following changes will be made to the Lost & Found Policy and Procedures, noting all changes will be communicated to customers in advance of them becoming effective.

  • Items of lesser value (umbrellas, mittens, etc.) will be kept for 1 business day (previously 7) prior to being disposed of
  • Items of value (wallets, phones, cameras, jewelry, etc.) will continue to be held for a period of 14 days
  • Lost and Found items will be claimed at the Highbury location only (previously LTC employees transported items between 450 Highbury and 150 Dundas)
  • Disposed items will be placed in a collection bin for a corporate charity for pick-up (previously the ATU held sales of lost items with proceeds going to the ECCO fund)

Internal bus boards will be installed on all buses outlining the lost and found policy and details with respect to how to claim lost items.

Recommended by: Shawn Wilson – Director of Operations

Concurred in by: Kelly S. Paleczny –  General Manager